Emperor Constantine I Founded the Byzantine Capital
The Constantinople is built and is turned into the capital of Byzantine by Constantine -
Hagia Sophia Completed
Emperor Justinian created this famed church. It is considered the greatest peice of Byzantine architecture ever built -
General Belisarius Military Campaigns
Belisarius was turned into a general in 527 where he puts down nikas revolution, defeated the Ostrogoths, put down a couple rebellions, and defeated persia again. He did all of this in his 25 years as general -
Nika revolt
30,000 people die rioting Constantinople, destroy and burning most of the city. This took place in a five day period starting with competive chariot racing gone wrong -
Sep 22, 622
Early Islamic military campaigns into Byzantine territory
Muslims take North Africa and attempt to take Constantinople but are unsuccessful. They try to in 717 with a land and sea fleet but are held off again. -
Sep 22, 1054
Great schism
The Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic Church dismissed each from going there separate ways as a different religion -
Nov 27, 1095
Emperor Alexios I contacts Pope Urban II for military help in Middle East
Alexius I talks to pope urban II to see if he'll help Byzantine fight the Turks, starting the first crusade -
Apr 26, 1204
Fourth crusade
A crusade that pope innocent III excommunicated several Knights for, the fourth crusade took and sacked Constantinople, causing a leadership change from Alexis IV to Alexis V -
Sep 22, 1453
Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks
The Byzantine were stopped on the black seas and the Constantinople was taken over -
Emperor Basil II military conquests of Bulgaria
He takes Syria from the Muslims and he takes Greece from the Bulgars