The Empire is Founded
Emperor Constantine I founds the city of Constantinople where the Greek colony Byzantium once was. This city becomes the capital of the Byzantine Empire, and an important center of commerce. It was also referred to as "New Rome." -
General Belisarius's Military Campaigns
From 530-531, General Belisarius fought the Sassanians, and although he lost an important battle, a treaty was established that kept peace for some time. In the year 533, Belisarius traveled to Africa to reclaim land from the Vandals. Later he went to Italy to fight the Ostrogoths. He played an important role in the expansion of Byzantine, was very popular, both with his soldiers and the people he had defeated. -
Nika Revolt
The Nika Revolt was a week-long series of riots against Emperor Justinian. It started after a hanging failed and Justinian ordered the survivors to be killed. The crowd grew angry, chanting for mercy at a chariot race in the Hippodrome, and later began setting fires to the city. The riots were violent, and lasted for days, but Justinian remained in power. -
Completion of the Hagia Sophia
The construction of the Hagia Sophia, or Church of Holy Wisdom, began right after the Nika Revolt. It was a huge part of Emperor Justinian´s plan to make Constantinople grand again after the riots destroyed parts of the city. -
Feb 8, 632
Early Islamic Campaigns Into Byzantine
Islamic military campaigns spread across the Middle East, intended to convert people to Islam. The campaigns against Byzantine lasted for decades, and the invading forces laid siege to Constantinople multiple times. -
Feb 8, 986
Emperor Basil II Military Conquests of Bulgaria
From 986 to 1014, Byzantine and Bulgaria were at war. Utilizing both summer and winter, Byzantine slowly progressed into Bulgaria until they eventually captured the capital city, Ochrida. This victory earned Basil II the title of "Slayer of the Bulgars." -
Feb 7, 1054
The Great Schism
For many years, differences in opinion built up between the Western Christians and the Byzantine Christians. They had different beliefs in politics, economics, culture and more. So many differences built up that the church split into two churches, the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church. This split was called the Great Schism. -
Feb 8, 1095
Emperor Alexius Asks the Pope for Help
Emperor Alexius of Byzantine called on Pope Urban II for military aid against the Turks. The Turks had control of the Holy Land at the time, so this request resulted in the the launching of the First Crusade. -
Apr 12, 1204
The Fourth Crusade (Attack on Constantinople)
The Fourth Crusade was ordered by Pope Innocent III, though it is reported that he later regretted it. The Crusade was a religious endeavor by people of the Christian faith. They attacked Constantinople, stealing things, destroying property, and killing inhabitants of the city. -
May 29, 1453
The Fall of Constantinople
After many years of enmity, the city of Constantinople was finally taken by the Ottoman Turks in 1453. This defeat was the official end of the Byzantine Empire.