Emperor Constantine l
Constantine the Great was an emperor of Rome, He gained his position after defenting Maxentius at the battle Milvian Bridge in 312. Constantine built the Constantinople in a city he named Byzantine. It lay near both the Black sea and the Mediterranean, it had in the golden horn.nEmperor dies at 337. -
Justinian Emperor
Justinian ruled from 527 to 565. Justinian created a set of a law that is called Justinian code, the code was a law throughout the empire. Justinian had a goal and that was to reunit the Roman empire so he send out armies to get rid of the barbarians which they had control of the western side and they was successful, and he took back parts Africa and most of Italy. -
General Belirius
General Belirius was born in Germania. He was given permission by the emperor to form a bodyguard regiment of heavy cavalry.. the emperor Justinian l appointed to commad the roman army in the east. In 532 he was the highest ranking military officer in the imperial capital of contatinople when the Nike Riots broke out in the city and nealy resulys in the overthrow of Justinian. For everything he done, the emperor awarded with the command of land and sea expedition against the Vandal Kingdom -
Hagia Sophia
Hagia Sophia was built in short time ,about six years the Hagia Sophia was completed. There was three time it was built, the original church was built in 325 by the Constantine the Great, after that it was rebuilt because fire destroyed most part of it and it was built in 404. Only after it was built the Emperor Justinian decided to build a third and entirely different and larger than it was and it took 5 years to finish. But after everything he did it was changed into mosque because the Turks. -
Jan 24, 700
Islamic conquests parts of byzantine Territory
After the Empeire of byzatine was weakened, The Ottoman forces surrounded the city of Constantinople. they also brought cannons to attack the walls. while the byzantine defenders had stretched a high chain across the harbor to protect against invasion by the sea, but the Ottoma forces hauled thie ships overlad ad the launched thheminto the harbor. after the Ottoma ruler Mehmet ll entered the city.eveythig was changed, the city was renamed Istanbul and the Hagai Sophia was turned into a mosque. -
Aug 24, 1025
Emperor Basil ll
Basil used a respite from his conflict with the nobility to lead an army of 30,000 men into Bulgaria and besiege Hagia in 986. Taking losses and worried about the loyalty of some of his governors. Basil lifted the siege and headed back for Thrace but he fell into an ambush and suffered a serious defeat at the Battle of the Gates of Trajan. Basil escaped with the help of his Varangian Guard and attempted to make up his losses by turning Samuel's brother Aaron against him. -
Dec 23, 1054
Great Schism
the Great Schism is called the break of communion between the Roman catholic church and the eastern orthodox which began in the 11th century, and the causes of these was a variety of politics, cultural, economis and social as well which transpired over centuries. the political unify of the Mediterranean world was shaken and destroyed through the barbarian invasion in the west and the rise of the Islam in the east. Also the communication was cut off between the two churches. -
Aug 31, 1095
Emperor Alexios l and Pope Urban ll
After Muslims conquered most of northern of African, Persia,Palestin, Spain and syria and those places were where most of christains population was big.the christian wanted to take back Jerusalem and that time it was controlled by the Muslims, So Pope urban ll wanted to put back the catholic church back on the map, so he started and led the Crusades and the emperor was Alexios. and Urban died to weeks after the fall of Jerusalem and before the christian victory back to Europe. -
Oct 25, 1204
Fourth Crusade
in 1200 ad Pope innocent ll called for another Crusade. Alexios which was recently thrown out of Constantinople asked the Crusades for help,and if they did he would pay the rest so the crusade captured Constantinople and put Alexios lV on the throne,so he didn't keep his promise and instead asked them to leave but they responde by retaking Constantinople and took piles of money, jewel and gold -
Oct 20, 1453
The End Byzantine Empire
1453, Turks from the Ottoman Empire captured the city of Constantinople bringing it to the end of the Byzantine
it was more than Turkish guns that brought an end to this grand empire. For centuries, the Eastern Roman Empire, had enjoyed prosperity. Situated along profitable trade routes and protected by the Black Sea, seemed that the Roman Empire of the East would Face a gradual decline. The other cause the Crusade brought a greatest damage to the capital of Byzantine, they destroyed the city.