Byzantine Empire

By 083383
  • 330

    Constantine moves capital to Byzantium

    Constantine moves capital to Byzantium
    When Constantine moved the capital to Byzantium it improved trade.
  • Period: 527 to 565

    Justinian's Reign

    During his reign he expanded the size of the Byzantine empire.
  • 529

    Justinian law code composed

    Justinian law code composed
    Justinian Code help bring in order to Byzantine.
  • 532

    Nika Revolt

    Nika Revolt
    During the Nika Revolt, Justinian wanted to flee but Theodora convinced him to stay and take care of his Empire.
  • 537

    Completion of Hagia Sophia

    Completion of Hagia Sophia
    The Hagia Sophia was originally a church and is considered one of the worlds greatest monuments.
  • 540

    Saint Benedict wrote rules for Monks

    Saint Benedict wrote rules for Monks
    The rules for monks shape the future of religious leaders in Byzantine.
  • 542

    Worst year of the Justinian Plague.

    Worst year of the Justinian Plague.
    The Justinian plague cause one third of the population to die.
  • 726

    Emperor Leo begins Iconoclast Movement

    Emperor Leo begins Iconoclast Movement
    The iconoclast movement caused the destruction of thousands of icons in Byzantine.
  • 862

    Rurik founds Novgorod

    Rurik founds Novgorod
    Novgorod was an important city in trading.
  • 980

    Vladimir converts to Christianity

    Vladimir converts to Christianity
    Vladimir connected some of the empire by forcefully encouraging baptism for all citizens.
  • 1054

    Great Schism

    Great Schism
    The great schism created a rivalry between the pope and patriarch.
  • 1071

    Battle of Manzikert

    Battle of Manzikert
    The Battle of Manzikert brought stability to Byzantine.
  • 1095

    Crusades Begin

    Crusades Begin
    The crusades brought an end to Christian presence in the "Holy Land".
  • 1240

    Mongols Conquered Kiev

    Mongols Conquered Kiev
    This ended the Reign of Kiev and ultimately played a role in the end of Byzantine.
  • 1453

    Fall of Constantinople

    Fall of Constantinople
    The fall of Constantinople ended the Byzantine empire.