Byzantine Empire
byzantine Constantine founds the new capital of the Roman Empire on the existing site of the ancient Greek city Byzantium: Byzantium was renamed Constantinople and it would become the capital of the Byzantine Empire. -
Period: 330 to
Byzantine Empire
Jan 21, 610
byzantine empire
Heraclius becomes emperor. Temporary possession of Mesopotamia. The theme system is installed. The Empire's language changes to Greek. Eventual Lost of Syria, Palestine, and Egypt to Muslims -
Jan 21, 717
byzantine empire
A large Muslim force besiege Constantinople by land and sea. The attack is held off -
Jan 21, 721
byzantine empire
Regains control of Asia Minor from the Muslims -
Jan 21, 726
byzantine empire
Emperor Leo III bans the use of Icons -
byzantine empire
Loss of North Africa to Muslims -
byzantine empire
empireThe Roman Empire divides in half, with the Eastern Roman Empire based in Constantinople and the Western Roman Empire based in Rome/Ravenna. -
byzantine empire
byzantine empireMuslims attack Constantinople -
byzantine empire
byzantineCharlemagne, king of the Franks, is crowned "Emperor of the Romans" by Pope Leo III in Rome. For the first time in 300 years, there is an emperor of the "East" and an emperor of the "West" -