Byzantine Empire

  • 330

    Emperor Constantine l Founds the New Capital

    Emperor Constantine l Founds the New Capital
    Constantine chose Byzantium as the location to continue the Roman Empire. Byzantium was a great choice for this because of its ideal location. Constantine then decided to rename the capital Constantinople.
  • 532

    Nika Revolts

    Nika Revolts
    The 2 factions come together in their anger against Justinian l. The mob then destroyed and burned part of the city. Justinian considered fleeing then but his wife convinced him to take action instead. The mob was moved into the Hippodrome and loyal troops of Justinian eliminated them. It is thought that 30,000 people were killed and it was the most widespread and serious disturbance of Constantinople.
  • Period: 532 to 562

    General Belisarius’ Military Campaigns

    Belisarius was a great and popular general. He was known for his strategies and tactics, and also for his mercy against his enemies. He was a big part in the put down of the Nika uprising. Other major conquests are: Persia and Vandals in 533, Osgroths and Sicily in 535, and Ravenna in 539. He continued to thrive until he went to prison in 562 and passed away in 565.
  • 537

    Hagia Sophia is Completed

    Hagia Sophia is Completed
    In Justinian’s rule, The Hagia Sophia is completed after 5 years of building. It was dedicated to the holy wisdom of God and is known for its giant dome. This was a major architectural development. The Hagia Sophia remained the biggest church until the 16th century.
  • 634

    Islamic Military Campaigns into Byzantine Territory

    Islamic Military Campaigns into Byzantine Territory
    Muslim armies invade Eastern Byzantine in small raids. Though after a few years, the size of the battles and significance of them begins to grow. This eventually led to the Battle at Yarmuk which lasted 6 days.
  • 1018

    Emperor Basil ll’s Military Conquests for Bulgaria

    Emperor Basil ll’s Military Conquests for Bulgaria
    Emperor Basil ll first went to Bulgaria in 986, but after awhile of being there he decided to retreat. As he was heading back with his army, they fell into an ambush and suffered a major defeat. He then waited many years to go back to Bulgaria and avenge the battle. In order to get his revenge he promised Vladimir that he could marry his sister if he would be an ally to him. Basil ll eventually won and ruthlessly mutilated his enemies.
  • 1054

    The Great Schism

    The Great Schism
    The main faction of Christianity was split into 2 divisions. Their theological differences caused many disputes and the two branches are still split today. The East and West branches are now known today as Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox.
  • 1095

    Emperor Alexius l Contacts Pope Urban ll

    Emperor Alexius l Contacts Pope Urban ll
    Emperor Alexius l looked to the West for help and contacted Pope Urban ll. The pope then declared holy war and called all Christians in Europe against the Muslims. This then started the 1st crusade.
  • 1204

    Fourth Crusade

    Fourth Crusade
    This was the most cynical and profit seeking of all the crusades. It consisted of the conquest and looting of Constantinople. Constantinople was then divided up between Venice and its allies.
  • 1453

    Fall of Constantinople to Ottoman Turks

    Fall of Constantinople to Ottoman Turks
    The end of the Byzantine Empire was when Constantinople fell. The Ottoman army stormed the capital and ended the 53 day long siege that had been occurring. The citizens that had survived were allowed to remain free.