

  • Maya Moore

    Maya Moore
    This is a picture of a basketball player. She has the same name as me.
  • Thanksgiving

    This is my favoriate holiday and sometimes Thanksgiving falls on my birthday!
  • 9/11

    This was a very sad day for a lot of people and for the people who died risking there lives to help others to safty.
  • Candy

    I Love candy so much. It is so good chocolate is my favoriate kind of candy!
  • Nemo

    This is a photo of another one of my favortiate Movie's.I always watch this Movie!
  • Signs

    This is a picture of a movie. This is my favorite movie.I always whatch this movie.
  • Twlight

    This is another one of my favoriate movies.I love all the movies of the book series.
  • The walking dead

    The walking dead
    This is one of my favoriate t.v show.It is so scary it come on evey sunday.
  • Field Musmeum my

    Field Musmeum my
    I went to the Field museum with my family.It was a very fun day we lots of fun.
  • The hunger Games

    The hunger Games
    These is another one of my favoriate Movie.The book was also great.
  • Catching Fire

    Catching Fire
    this is another favoriate book of mine.I cant wait to read the nect one of His books.