1:1 Ipads
Students grades K-3 participate in 1:1 iPad program. -
Content Curation
Students particpating in the 1:1 iPad Program showcase their creativity and curation of projects to other students, parents and teachers. -
Report Cards are replaced by Competency based reports.
Students no longer will be awarded grades at any BCOE schools. In there place will be competency based reports. Students musyt show mastery in the standard in order to pass the level. -
Deivces Don't Matter
Student return to school sporting the latest in technology devices. Teachers are share in the studnets exitment and can't wait to begin creating content. -
No more teachers?
Teachers approve changing job titles to "Facilitators" agreeing that they are such an important resource in guiding student learning at all levels. -
Virtual Collaborative Site Launches Today
The newest vitual Collaborative Learnng Space launches giving students the ability to locate global resources and tools and build world wide networks for learning. -
Follow Me!
Coach Lightle collaborates with students in while on a recent trip to Italy, using social media, and video conferencing technologies to break the geographical barriers
Credit for Photo:
www.dreamstime.com -
Global Student Collaboration
Students representing 7 Countries collaborated on ### the most critcal environmental issue today in order to find a viable solution. -
U.S announces Global Skills Competecies
The U.S. announced today that the global competencies have been approrved by the international alliance. Students Electronically demonstrating these skills will be issued an international electronic seal of compentency.