Articles of confederation 1

Building the Constitution

  • Articles of Confedreation Adopted

    Articles of Confedreation Adopted
    the articles of confederation was the first plan of goverment and lef a weak goverment
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The treaty of paris in 1783 gave the united states all the land from atlantic west to the mississippi river
  • Shays Rebellion

    Shays Rebellion
    daniel shays and hundreds rebelled against massachuets farmland taxes
  • The constitutoin convention

    The constitutoin convention
    the belgates of confederation
  • Virgina plan

    Virgina plan
    the plan adopted by the convention that did three branches of goverment
  • The newjersy plan

    The plan offered in 1787 for and equal amount of repersenatives
  • North West oridance

    North West oridance
    The north west oridance was a law of 1787 organzing the north west teritory for settlement
  • The Great ComPromise

    The Great ComPromise
    the compromise was a plan that sherman purposed
  • Singing of the constitiution

    Singing of the constitiution
    all states agreed and they singed the constition
  • the constitution ratified by for more states

    the constitution ratified by for more states
    delware was the first aproval state!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 4 more states ratified the constitution

    4 more states ratified the constitution
    pennsylvania new jersey goergia connecuit ratify constitution
  • constition ratifed by one more state

    constition ratifed by one more state
    newe hampshire 8 state constition
  • debate over bill of rights

    debate over bill of rights
    this was over protecting citizens rights they thought it should be added to the constitiution
  • Preamble

    The interduction of the constitution
  • first presidentof the united states was elected

    first presidentof the united states was elected
    george washington was choosen to be president the first president
  • First president was sworn in or inaugurated

    First president was sworn in or inaugurated
    george washington was inuargeted in newyork
  • Constitution was Ratified by the 8 final state

    Constitution was Ratified by the 8 final state
    rhode island ratifies the constituion
  • The bill of rights were added to the constitoin

    The bill of rights were added to the constitoin
    the bill of rights were added on the first ten amendments they were rights to protect the constituton and citizens
  • Supreme Court granted Certain right

    Supreme Court granted Certain right
    the supreme court put a stop to any laws passed by congress or singed by the president that law can not be passed