arpa was created
Found a way that computers can talk to each other in case of nuclear attack. -
October 29, 1969, computers at Stanford and UCLA connected for the first time
The first hosts on what would one daybecome the Internet. -
An Arpanet network was established
Network between Harvard, MIT, and BBN (the company that created the "interface message processor" computers used to connect to the network) in 1970 was created. -
email was first developed
Developed by Ray Tomlinson, who also made the decision to use the "@" symbol to separatethe user name from the computer name (which later on became the domain name) -
The beginning of TCP/IP
A proposal was published to link Arpa-like networks together into a so-called "inter-network",which would have no central control and would work around a transmission control protocol (which eventually became TCP/IP). -
apple was founded
apple's made several attributes to technologly. They helped with making the worlds most popular smartphone commonly known for being able to connect to the internet anywhere. -
The first Personal Computer Modem is Invented
The modem was invented by Dennis Hayes and Dale Heatherington,and was introduced and initially sold to computer hobbyists. -
spam was born
The first unsolicited commercial email message(later known as spam), was sent out to 600 CaliforniaArpanet users by Gary Thuerk. -
MUD – The earliest form of multiplayer games was debuted
The precursor to World of Warcraft and Second Life wasdeveloped in 1979, and was called MUD (short for MultiUser Dungeon). MUDs were entirely text-based virtual worlds, combiningelements of role-playing games, interactive, fiction, and online chat. -
The first emoticon :-)
The first emoticon was used While many people credit Kevin MacKenzie with the invention ofthe emoticon in 1979, it was Scott Fahlman in 1982 who proposed using :-) after a joke, rather than the original -) proposed byMacKenzie. -
The domain name system was created
The first Domain Name Servers (DNS) was created. The domain name systemwas important in that it made addresses on the Internet more human-friendly compared to its numerical IP address counterparts.DNS servers allowed Internet users to type in an easy-to-remember domain name and then converted it to the IP addressautomatically. -
World Wide Web protocols finished
The code for the World Wide Web was written by Tim Berners-Lee, based on his proposal from the year before, along with the standards for HTML, HTTP, and URLs. -
First web page created 1991
brought some major innovations to the world of the Internet. The first web page was created and, much like the first email explained what email was, its purpose was to explain what the World Wide Web was. -
AT&T personal link services created
online platform for business and sharing information. -
amazon created
amazonamazon is a huge leader in online ebooks, shipping, and just finding commonly needed objects and tools. It has helped us with quickly buying and gettiing the things we need and want. -
yahoo founded
yahooYahoo was one of the worlds largest and commonly used subject directory. Used for searching and emailing very popular website tool. -
outlook.comOutlook.com was aquired by google and runs an extremly common use for free email. Such as and including msn.com and hotmail. -
Google Founded
google Google is the internets most famous search engine. Millions of people everday use it for almost every question to find nearly every answer! -
skype release
Skype is a website and tool for long distance video chatting. Revolutionized FaceTime and ooVoo for talking with friends, family, coworkers , anyone really face to face... thousands of miles away -
call of duty MW1
call of dutyCall of duty mw1 was one the most popular series of call of duties and the first of many to come. this had hunfred of thousands of players world wide to play connect and fight togther sand against one another. -
instagramInstagram is another social media used ofr sharing photos easily. It's owned by facebook and a huge corporation. Millions of people use this app/site and millions of photos are already uploaded on it.