Jan 1, 1328
Bubonic Plague begins
The Bubonic Plague began in rats and spread to humans in Europe. -
Jan 1, 1346
Bubonic Plague arrives in Crimea
The Bubonic Plague was spread to people and Crimea by the Europeans which killed many. -
Nov 1, 1348
Plague reaches England
Roughly 30 to 40% of England's population was killed by the Plague which resulted in a huge economic failure because the plague would engulf entire towns at a time. Politically this made it tough for a leader to stay strong when his people were dieing around him. Socially it was bad for the moral of the citizens. -
Dec 31, 1351
Bubonic Plague ends
People began to obsess over personel hygene which cut the number of deaths by the plague. Doctors began to use a scientific aproach to medicine instead of a spiritual aproach which resulted in less infections.