Brytons Timeline

By tolsbry
  • 1919 Treaty of Versailles

    Peace treaty but it was not good for Germany, Loss of Land,Military,and Money.
  • hyper inflation

  • Higher Inflation

    Higher prices
  • Hitlers Bursts onto the scene

    Hitler attempts to overthrow the German government
  • Hitler on Trial

    uses trial to give huge speech further blaming Jews for problems in Germany
  • Period: to

    Republic Government

    Hindenburg was president
  • Hitler named Chancellor

  • Reichstag Fire of February

    Hitler blames Communists for fire but Hitler started the fire
  • Enabling Act of March 1933

    all other parties besides Nazis were elimanated
  • first concentration camps

    mostly political prisoners
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nazis needed a way to identify Jews so they could discriminate them
  • Appeasement

    German army moves into Austria and Germany annexes Czechoslovakia
  • Period: to

    Euthanasia Program Begins

    Nazis kill people they think doesn't deserve to live
  • Period: to

    Euthanasia Program Begins

    Nazis killed people who they thought doesn't deserve life
  • Germans invades Poland

    WW2 begins
  • Ghettos

    Cities that were damp and pore. Largest ghettos were like Warsaw or Lodz
  • Death Camp

    Vans with small gas chambers in the rear are used
  • Period: to


    Mobile killing squads or Action Kommandos
  • Wannsee Conference

    Exterminate The Jews
  • Camp Rebellion

    Prisoners fought back at death camps
  • Period: to

    Death Marches

    Nazis evacuate prisoners to other camps and they were brutally treated
  • Camps liberate

  • Hitler Kills him self

  • WW2 ends

  • Nuremberg Trials

    Nazis were charged with War Crimes, Crimes Against Peace and Crime Against Humanity