
  • 4.4 Childhood Attachment Experiences

    I grew up very close to both of my parents, but they raised me to be an independent woman from the start. I never felt pressured in a relationship because I had a secure base. They went out on frequent dates, have good communication habits, and know how to make every day together enjoyable. Now I share a similar comfortable relationship with my boyfriend. No relationship is perfect, but my parents' is pretty close.
  • 7.2 Transitions

    During this time, I was attending a church. I sat through a sermon where the pastor discussed introspection. This was one of the few sermons that I was actually interested in, and I thought about it for a long time. I looked within myself and analyzed my faith. I realized that I didn't like going to church or most of the people there; I was only going because my friends were. So I transitioned from synthetic-conventional faith to individuative-reflective faith.
  • 6.4 - Identity

    While watching the life history presentations, I came upon a few where the interview-ees joined the military in order to "make something" of themselves. Back in their time period, this was a normal way of finding yourself: the military shaped you, and there was never any confusion. I did not take that path, but I still found my identity on my own. Identity is fluid, but I've never really been confused. I know who and what I want to be.
  • 2.2 Genetic Limits

    Upon our 20th birthday, the U.S. Department of Health requires its people to begin a diet and workout program that they monitor periodically through an online "journal". This program was designed to allow our chromosomes to duplicate for a longer period of time, overall extending the population's average Hayflick Limit, and delaying our replicative senescence. However, I worry that all these long lives will increase pollution and decrease resources, causing more problems than solutions.
  • 7.3 Major Life Event

    Change in residence from Florida to DC was a major stressor on me. I have coped by taking advantage of the unique opportunities here in DC, which correlates problem-focused coping. I tackle my problem head-on by looking at the silver lining. This has immensely reduced my stress, and I have since grown to love the city thanks to goodness of fit with it.
  • 4.3 Attachment Style

    The quiz I took reported that I have low relationship anxiety (2 out of 7) and low avoidance (2.7 out of 7), overall feeling secure in my relationship.I believe this to be extremely accurate. Although we have only been together a little over a year, I feel that my boyfriend and I are secure in our relationship. I tell him all about my day, my drama, my worries, and he truly pays attention. We talk comfortably about our concerns & work through them.
  • 7.1 Fowler

    I understand that conjunctive faith isn't supposed to happen until mid life. However, having grown up in a very religious area, I feel that I went through the other stages very quickly and have now accepted that there are things that cannot be explained. I would like to say that I've even reached stage 6: universalizing faith via my acceptance for what is and isn't. I feel I have transcended above the confusion, but I am still determining the universal principles of love & justice.
  • 1.1 The Beginning

    Upon graduation from Gallaudet University, I will experience a normative age-grade change that will affect my social standing: I will be a professional working woman. For almost my entire life, I have only been a student; my mistakes were excused and I could take chances. After graduation, I will be forced to be a mature professional. Because my parents have blue-collar jobs, graduation from graduate school will be a non-normative event in my family history.
  • 6.1 My RIASEC type

    The results of my test determined that I am the Social Investigative Enterprising type. I believe this to be relatively true. I am definitely a social person, and I like to do research. My father is the real enterprising type, but I suppose I get that from him. Suggested jobs include teaching and community health working. The career I've chosen, speech language pathology, is very closely related to community health. I think this test is a good measure of my career interests.
  • 6.2 Super’s Stages

    During the Establishment Stage of Super's Life Stages, young professionals are expected to establish a career and start the life-long journey up the career ladder. This occurs in the 20's and lasts until middle adulthood. I will be a participant in this stage by establishing myself as a young professional in my career and stabilizing that career over time through clinical experiences and learning from others. I will develop my own career personality and "find my niche".
  • 4.1 Young Adult Role Transition

    Some people my age have already been married for several years. Others won't get married for a long time, if ever. I never really thought I'd get married either, but I know I've found the one. Traditionally, my role would change from "young, free maiden" to "housewife". However, I refuse to change into a serving wife. I will not be someone's "other half"; I will be my own person, just like my husband.
  • 6.3 - Conscientious

    In one of my classmate's videos, the woman he interviewed went back to college later in life so she could become a teacher. It was less from the pressure of others and moreso the idea of self-reflection. She motivated herself to go back to college for a better job, even though her job was perfectly fine, because she re-evaluated herself and decided that she wanted more from life. I hope that I do not make rash decisions in a conformist stage, and instead do it for myself,when I'm ready, like her
  • 2.1 Oxidative Damage

    At age 40, I was injected with antioxidant rejuvination, as part of a new (experimental) trial to elongate the lives of antioxidants in my system that battle the free radicals in the environment. This theory has been produced due to the enormous increase in pollution due to drastic increase in the world's population and reliance on technology. I am a little worried that this will only increase the population even more.
  • 8.1 The End

    Taylor Caitlin Broz was born on May 28th, 1993 in Sarasota, Florida. After attending high school at Pace High School, undergraduate at the University of Central Florida, and graduate school at Gallaudet University. She married Eddie Suarez in the fall of 2020. She was a speech therapist a the Veterans Administration Hospital for 30 years before falling sick to bone cancer. She died in her home on June 2nd, 2048.
  • 3.2 Prospective Memory

    Stephanie called me today, swearing up and down that we planned to have lunch together today. She wasn't mad, just worried that something had happened to me. But I'm almost certain that never planned to have lunch... or, if we did, it wasn't supposed to be today. My son bought me a calendar recently to keep up with events, but I don't like it. I don't like living on a schedule. But she wouldn't just make that up... maybe I should give that calendar a try...
  • 4.2 Older Adult Role Transition

    Well, it happened today, the day I've been dreading: the death of the first parent. My father died in his sleep last night, right around his favorite holiday. Planning his funeral will be difficult, I know. My mother is handling it very well for now, but I know she (like I) is hiding her feelings. However, I know we will get together soon and open up. We will find a way to cope, probably picking up a new "hobby" (yoga?). I miss him already, but I know he's still "with me".
  • 3.1 Processing Speed

    My son says I should stop driving. My husband refuses to ride in the car with me unless he drives. They both think I've gotten into too many "accidents" recently. Honestly, those cars (and fire hydrant) popped up out of nowhere. I'm not ready to stop driving yet. 5 little fenderbenders isn't a lot for an entire lifetime, even if they did happen within the last year.