

  • Period: 33 to 330

    Early Church Era

  • 65

    Peter and Paul are executed;

    martydom of the church's two greatest apostles forces church leadership into a new era.
  • 70

    Titus destroys Jerusalem

    Titus destroys Jerusalem
    Christianity and Judaism official broke since Christians fled from Jerusalem.
  • 358

    Basil the Great founds a monastery

    Basil the Great founds a monastery
    laying foundations for religious communities ever after
  • 461

    The Council of Chalcedon

    The Council of Chalcedon
    concluded that Jesus was completely and fully God. Jesus combined two natures human and divine
  • 590

    Gregory the Great becomes pope

    Gregory the Great becomes pope
    The first of the Medieval popes takes on civil power and lays the foundations for the papal state
  • 732

    Battle of Tours

    Frankish general Charles Martel halts the seemingly unstoppable Muslim invasion.
  • 800

    Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor

    Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor
    with the help of his advisor the seven foot king brings Europe political unity
  • 1095

    Pope Urban II launches the first crusade

    Pope Urban II launches the first crusade
    Eastern and Western breaches relations.
  • 1220

    Dominic establishes order of preachers

    Dominic establishes order of preachers
    travel barefoot teach and convert hereticies
  • 1378

    The Great Papal Schism

    The Great Papal Schism
    The roman Catholic church ends up with 3 popes at one time