
Special Education Law Timeline

By keeskii
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    Children from 4 different states argued that segregated schools were unequal. The Supreme Court stated that " segregated schools have no place in the field of public education." After this decision was made in Brown, parents of children who had disabilities began to argue with there own schools districts, that the schools were discriminating against their children because of there disabilities. Many of the cases that went to court won and laws were put in place to prevent it from reoccuring.
  • Parc vs. Penn

    Parc vs. Penn
    PARC,which can also be referred to as the Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children." Sued the commonwealth of Pennsylvania for a state law that allowed public schools to deny education to certain children, who had not attained a mental age of 5 years." This law was constantly used by the state to deny education to students considered to burden some to integrate into school and classroom environments. In the end the decision was made that free education for all kids must be provided.
  • Mills vs. Board of Education

    Mills vs. Board of Education
    This case was on behalf of 7 kids who had been denied public education because of disabilities. The supreme court realized that denying these students the right to education was almost the same as discriminating students due to their race. In the end the court decided that no child could be denied a public education because of " mental, behavioral, physical, or emotional handicap deficiencies." They also said" failure to provide such an education could not be excused by "insufficient funds".

    Also known as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. FERPA is "administered by the Family Policy Compliance Office, in the U.S. Department of Education. It protects the privacy of records for students." It allows students to review their records and they also have control over the release of their information. parents can only see or get a hold of information but only with the students consent. It applies to all educational institutions that receive any type of federal funding.

    Also known as the education for all handicapped children act. Four bills were brought before Senate regarding the education of Special Education. This also includes IDEA(1997). Which is also known as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. It was specifically designed instruction, at no cost to parents or guardians, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability.
  • The Rehabilitation Act & Section 504

    The Rehabilitation Act & Section 504
    The Rehabilitation Act prohibits discrimination in any program or event that receives any type of government assistance or money.
    Within the Rehabilitation Act is section 504. Section 504 (according to ada.gov) is " a anti-discrimination, civil rights law that requires the needs of students with disabilities to be met as adequately as the needs of the non- disabled are met." Section 504 states that a disability must be present during birth and must limit life activities.
  • Air Carriers Access Act

    Air Carriers Access Act
    This act prohibits discrimination on the basis of disabilities in regards to traveling by air. Some requirements include early boarding along with assistance. This only applies to air carriers that provide regularly scheduled services for hire to the public. Some prohibitions include " airlines may not limit the number of persons with disabilities on a flight, and airlines may not require a person with disabilities travel with another person." This law applies to all U.S. flights.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act

    Americans with Disabilities Act
    The purpose of the Americans with Disabilities Act was to provide a clear understanding against the discrimination of individuals with disabilities. It is a civil rights law that makes sure all private and public facilities make the accommodations for individuals to enter the facility in a comfortable manner. This applies if you have a disability either mental or physical that limits major life activity.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    It is a federal law that provides money for extra education and or assistance for needy children in return for improvements in their academic progress. States are also required to test students in reading and in math in 3rd grade and 8th grade. This act requires that schools help students seek out alternate routes and options if school is not meeting their academic and emotional needs.
  • Every Student Succeeds Act

    Every Student Succeeds Act
    It helps ensure success for students in schools. It holds a lot of protection for disadvantaged and high need students. Education. org states that " the law needs to to maintain expectations that accountability and it will be held to possibly change performance in low performing schools." It ensures that information from statewide assesments be provided to educators and families. These tests help measure a students growth and progress in the classroom and education setting.