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Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
Brown fought against the clause which went against the 14th amendment which states that no state can “deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” In the years to come matters such as Rosa Parks refusing to give er seat and the toppling of Jim Crows law as well. 60 years later we re still fighting and debating against the fairness of racial inequalities in schools. Taking a deeper look into the efforts that are applied in wealthier schools and neighborhoods. -
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Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
"In 1896, the Supreme Court ruled in Plessy v. Ferguson that racially segregated public facilities were legal, so long as the facilities for blacks and whites were equal."2009 H+E Staff
This was known as the Jim Crow law. Students of colored were segregated but were considered educationally equal. -
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Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
Though this was stated and made law, it was in fact not true. Students did not have equal opportunity and not given the same access to materials.
"In the case that would become most famous, a plaintiff named Oliver Brown filed a class-action suit against the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, in 1951, after his daughter, Linda Brown, was denied entrance to Topeka’s all-white elementary schools."-2009 H+E Staff -
Diana v. State Board of Education
9 Mexican -Americans students were placed in in a class with students who suffered mental retardation due to they did not score high enough on an IQ test administered in English. -
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Diana v. State Board of Education
EMR-Educably Mental Retardation. This is not a federally categorized group. This is used by school districts to classify students based on IQ tests. Diana was among-st thoe that tok this test and based on her IQ scores was labeled an EMR. -
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Diana v. State Board of Education
The case went to court. The court ruled that this was an injustice to the students and it was in violation of the constitution. It came to a close with some stipulations. Students required to take the IQ test would have to take the test in their primary language. -
Pennsylvania Assication for Retarded Citizens v. The commonwealth of Pennsylvania
In 1971, we brought the seminal lawsuit Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (PARC) v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the first right-to-education suit in the country, to overturn that Pennsylvania law and secure a quality education for all children. -
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Pennsylvania Assication for Retarded Citizens v. The commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Students with disabilities were not offered or did not have access to free/ public education.The motion was soon overturned. I was settled by the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pa. They agreed that students would have access to free education.