SPED 350 Timeline

By nbraudt
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    This case is the foundation of special education advancements. This case was not originally about special education however it laid the ground that students can not be discriminated against and segregated.
  • Mills v. Board of Education

    Mills v. Board of Education
    This court case extended the right to an education to students with all kinds of disabilities, not just those with an intellectual disability. In addition, it made it clear that not having the government funding to provide this education does not excuse you of this responsibility.
  • PARC v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

    PARC v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    This granted the right to a free public education for students with an intellectual disability. Public schools now must provide an integrated education for children with a disability ages 6-21.
  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

    Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
    This act, similar to Brown v. The Board of Education, stops discrimination. It gave people with disabilities equal opportunities and stated that they can not be discriminated against based on their disability.
  • PL 99-457

    PL 99-457
    This was the first reauthorization of the IDEA. This law highlighted early intervention within young kids. It also was the start of individualized family service plans (IFSP).
  • PL 101-476

    PL 101-476
    This is when the name changed to IDEA. This law was a crack down on the wrong that was happening within special education. It included counseling as related services, made an individualized transition plan a requirement, and held states legally accountable for violating IDEA.
  • PL 105-17

    PL 105-17
    This reauthorization made services for students vast and exponentially more beneficial. It includes mediation, orientation and mobility services, assistive technology, and much more.
  • Armstrong v. Kline

    Armstrong v. Kline
    This ruling stated that the state must provide year-round educational services to students with severe disabilities. If they do not, they are in violation of the student's rights to an education. This is because of the regression they have over long breaks.
  • No Child Left Behind Act of 2001

    No Child Left Behind Act of 2001
    This act states that all students, including special education, are expected to test proficient in math, reading, and science. Schools that could not test proficient were gifted extra funding and it allowed the parent of a student failing options for their kid’s education. It also made it so all teachers had to be considered “highly qualified” to teach.
  • IDEA 2004

    IDEA 2004
    This act enforces more accountability of the schools and the IEP they put in place with the student. It also puts the student and their parents more in charge of their IEP and education.
  • Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District

    Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District
    This supreme court decision stated that the student’s IEP is there to assist the student. It must be more than the minimum and reflect what the student needs.