Divorce of My Parents
My parents divorced on this day. Not much else to say. -
Period: to
My Employment Timeline
Began Secondary Education
I began my secondary education at Parkside Collegiate Institute in an all academic program. I took visual art and Family Studies, the only humanity course available in Grade 9. Parkside's Webiste -
Graduate Post-Secondary at Beal
I will graduate post secondary school at H.B. Beal after completing Grade 13 (due to the Specialist Art Program). From there, I will go to university. -
Recieved Honors, Core French Award, and Junior Art Award
Last month, I was invited to the undergrad awards and recieved three awards: Honours, Highest Mark in Gr. 9 Core French, and the Junior Art Award (which came with a one hundred dollar check). -
Begin volunter work at the Elgin Public Art Gallery
I have an interview for an unpayed internship with the Elgin Public Art Gallery later this month. I will asist with classes and other matinence areas. Art Galley's Website -
Resume Created
I believe that we create a resume during this course. If not, I will make one in January, so that it is handy incase there are job openings that I am interested in. -
Apply for a Part-time Job
If there are no openings at the local book store before this date, I will hand out resumes to anywhere that is hiring students. At this point in time, I will need to begin saving money for school. -
Begin BealArt Program at H.B. Beal Secondary
I will be transferring to H.B. Beal for grade 11-13. I will be enrolled in thier unique art program, consisting of three sections: Foundations I in grade 11, Foundations II in grade 12, and Specialist in grade 13. BealArt -
Recieve BealArt Certificate
After completing Foundations I and II, I will recieve a certificate commemmerating this event. -
Move out of my Guardian's House
I will have to move out of my parent's house, as OCAD U is in Toronto, and my parents live in Port Stanely. -
Rent An Apartment or Small Home
Since there are no dorms availabe for OCAD U students, I will have to rent an apartment. I plan to rent this apartment with a freind who will also be attending OCAD U. -
Attend OCAD U for a Bachelor in Drawing and Painting
I hope to attend the Ontario College of Art and Design: Univeristy to partake in an undergraduate in Drawing and Painting; a four year degree. OCAD U's Website -
Start of Career
I wll start my career as a traditonal artist after attaining an undergraduate degree. After this, I may choose to enroll in a Graduate Degree. -
Attend University of Toronto for Graduate Degree (One Option)
U ot T Website
I might attend the University of Toronto for a Graduate Degree in Biomedical Communications. The program is 4 years long and excepts only 15 students per year. -
Attend OCAD U
Grad Program @ OCAD U
I might attend OCAD U for a Graduate Degree in Fine Art.
The program is 4 Years long.