Poor Law amendment act
First Parliamentary reform act
Repeal of the Corn laws
-Leads to a split in the Tory Party -
Factory act
Revival of trade unionism
The Great Exhibition
-Showcases inventiveness of British Industries -
Golden Age in agriculture and industrial progress
Period: to
John Russel PM
Period: to
Lord Derby PM
Period: to
Earl of Aberdeen PM
Period: to
Crimean war
Period: to
Palmerston PM
Period: to
Lord Derby PM
Self Help published
-By Samuel Smiles
-Epitomises Victorian values
-Sense of duty, strength of character, thrift and self-help -
Period: to
Lord Palmerston dies
-Makes way for parliamentary reform -
Period: to
Lord Russel PM
Period: to
Lord Derby
Second Reform act
First Trade Union Congress
-Held in Manchester
-brought pressure to get the government to give trade unions legal recognition -
Period: to
Disraeli PM
Period: to
Gladstone PM
The Married Women's property act
-gave married women legal status
-Allowed them to keep a proportion of their own earnings -
Foster's Education Act
-provision for elementary schools to be set up -
Education act
Trade Union act
-established legal rights of unions to hold property and funds and have them protected by law
-Also gave them the right to strike -
The Criminal law amendment act
-Made any form of picketing illegal -
Licensing act
Period: to
Disraeli PM
The conspiracy and protection of property act
-replaced the criminal law amendment act
-Legalised peaceful picketing -
Public Health act
Artisans Dwelling Act
-Gave the local authority to purchase, clear and redevelop slums
-Chamberlain did this in Birmingham -
Sandon's education act
-Provided school places for all children -
Germany introduces trade tariffs
Period: to
Gladstone PM
Legal age of consent raised to 16
Period: to
Salisbury PM
Period: to
Gladstone PM
Period: to
Period: to
Salisbury PM
Period: to
Balfour PM
Period: to
Campbell Bannerman
Period: to
Asquith PM
UK join World War 1
DORA passed
-Defence Of the Realm Act -
Munitions war act
-Prevented munitions from resigning and moving to a new job without their employers consent -
Period: to
Asquith Coalition
Period: to
Lloyd-George Coalition
Representation of the Peoples act
-Universal male suffrage
-Limited female suffrage
-Redistribution of parliamentary sears
-Absent voting
-Electoral system reform -
Election - Tories win
-Bonar Law PM -
Period: to
Bonar-Law PM
Period: to
Period: to
Baldwin PM
Period: to
Baldwin PM
Period: to
MacDonald PM
Period: to
Macdonald National government
Period: to
Baldwin National Government
Period: to
Chamberlain National Government
Period: to
Churchill War government
Period: to