Jamestown settlement

British Colonization of America

  • Roanoke Colony

    What happened at Roanoke?1585
    • Sir Walter Raleigh organizes the colonization of Roanoke Island, Virginia (today, North Carolina). The colony lasts for only one year. The second attempt to settle there in 1587 also fails with the colony disappearing sometime before 1590.
  • Hakluyt publishes voyages

    Hakluyt publishes voyages
    Richard Hakluyt publishes an anthology of notable voyages to the New World. A second edition is published 1598, creating English interest in the exploration and colonization of the New World.
  • London Company Sponsors Viriginia Colony

    London Company Sponsors Viriginia Colony
  • Jamestown Founded

    Jamestown founded• Captain John Smith is captured by Chief Powhatan and saved from death by the chief's daughter, Pocahontas.
  • Tobacco Primary Export

    Tobacco Primary Export
    Tobacco in Colonial Virginia• Tobacco becomes an export staple for Virginia.
    • A smallpox epidemic decimates the Native American population in New England.
  • Mayflower arrives

    Mayflower Compact• The Mayflower ship lands at Cape Cod, Massachusetts, with 101 colonists.
    • On November 11, the Mayflower Compact is signed, establishing a form of local government at Plymouth.
    • The first public library in the colonies is organized in Virginia with books donated by English landowners.
  • Puritans arrive

    Puritans arrive
    The Puritans are the first to settle the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
    -Strong desire to create "city upon a hill", one that all other cities would model after.
  • Period: to

    Commonwealth of England

    First period of the Commomwealth of England.
  • Navigation Act of 1660

    Navigation Act of 1660
    Navigation Act(s)1660
    • The Navigation Act of 1660 allows the colonies to trade with only English-built ships and crews that are at least three-quarters English. Certain enumerated goods, including indigo, sugar, cotton and tobacco, are allowed to be shipped only to England or other English colonies.
  • Treaty of Westminster

    • The Treaty of Westminster returns Dutch colonies to the English.
  • William Penn, Pennsylvania

    William Penn, Pennsylvania
    • Quaker William Penn, is granted a charter from Charles II, making him proprietor of Pennsylvania.