British acts and the colonies response.

By lawna
  • The sugar act.

    The sugar act.
    put a three-cent tax on foreign refined sugar and increased taxes on coffee, indigo, and certain kinds of wine. It banned importation of rum and French wines. Taxes were raised without the consent of the colonists. The colonists were furious and had to either boycott or smuggle sugar from other countries.
  • The stamp act.

    The stamp act.
    First British tax on colonists.
    Colonists became angry and began the stamp act congress
    British government repealed the Stamp Act in March 1766
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    Shooting of 5 american colonists by British troops. Made colonists unable to trust the British military
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Angry about the taxes,
    Disguised colonists went aboard three ships and dumped 342 whole crates of british tea.
    Tea was eventually boycotted throughout the colonies
  • Declaration Of independence

    Declaration Of independence
    declared the 13 American Colonies independent from Great Britain. Written by Thomas Jefferson became in affect on July 4, 1776. Many prominent Americans signed it, including John Hancock, John Adams, and Samuel Adams. Great Britain's response was to continue the war.