Brit Lit Final Project

By Rpetra
  • Entering Highschool

    Entering Highschool
    Graduated E.T Booth and now I'm entering Etowah Highschool. My sister went here before me and she was here for my first year and then graduated. I spent a could of days getting together with my friends who won't be by the end of this time line but for the sake of a good story assume they are! First week wasn't so bad but I can't say my commutes were great considering I went from trailer to building and building to trailer. I liked the 30 minuite study hall and everything was just easy.
  • Period: to

    Freshman year

    Another useless time span that is dedicated to my Freshman year. Expect three more of these. I hope you like repition! Oh wait, that's what's school is all about...
  • Where I'm From (2)

    But I finally realized the error of my ways, the time has come.
    The damnnation of hate, anger followed in my wake
    I hated all, never wanted to associate myself for I lookd down on all
    That was my downfall
    Sadness followed soon after, a hermit I did revert
    There I finished as I began, alone, None to answer my call
    My plea to free me from the caverns of darkness. None to help me convert
  • Where I'm From

    Where I'm Fom

    I am Robert Petra, The Fool

    The Fool, the state of a journey through the life pool

    I began Highschool, unheard by the sum Or total, if that. I was an introvert. An unknown entity in the slum
    The slum of social interaction, the one thing I gruel
    I was recluse and closed, a hermit living under social rule
  • Convention

    My friends invited me to go to a convention called AWA which is basically just a convention that's based around video games and japanese animes. Since they're my friends I thought, "Why not?". Why not you ask in your head because I told you to? Because it was okay except my friends abandoned me all the way through and I didn't really enjoy myself since my friends always left me behind. I just lone wolfed everything and I was deathly afraid of crowds way back then.
  • Interestinly Awkward

    Interestinly Awkward
    I met a Junior girl at lunch a way back ago. We became "Friends" for a short time and she was talking about Nutella and how she wanted some. I offered to give her an 8 dollar jar of Nutella. So, I took it upon myself to give it to her as a good gesture. I spent 8 dollars and I got rewarded with friendship and a kiss on the cheek. I am forever bothered by this.
  • Freshman Graduation

    Freshman Graduation
    My rite of passage, pretty much. Freshman Graduation. I took it upon myself to actaully celebrate this year by throwing myself a solo party. Since my friends view me as a invisable man I just decided to do it. I stayed up all night enjoying pizza, root beer and alot of video games Life was pretty good when you don't have anything else to worry about.
  • Period: to

    Sophmore Year

    My entire Sophmore year put into a Timespan. I just put this in it make it look prettier.
  • Freeze Week

    Freeze Week
    Miraculously, it snowed. We managed to get two days off for it. On top of that it sleeted and rained created a three layer. It was a thin sheet of ice, snow and then an inch of ice. It was pretty terrible, I couldn't leave the house for a week but I had some killer sledding and snow man building. It was great.
  • Double-edged sword.

    Double-edged sword.
    Remember that girl I talked about in 2011? Well, it was quite literally a double edged sword. I gave her the Nutella and then after that she sort of just degraded and became really hostile towards me. As if I did something to make her this angry, which I didn't. She got extremely upset with me and just yelled at me alot for no reason. She then graduated and I never saw her again. I was pretty thrilled to hear that.
  • Period: to

    Junior Year

    It's another useless timespan! Dedicated to my Junior Year. Only one more and then you won't have to see another one of these again!
  • Senior Year

    Senior Year
    So begins my Senior year. The final year and then I'm on my own. I've pretty much have dropped all social interaction. I deactivated my facebook and I abandoned my friends. Actaully, let me rephrase this. THEY abandoned me beacause they don't know how to handle friendships. I'm glad I left them because now that I think about it they're a indirect bad influence. Introverts are kind of a bad influence if you think about it.
  • Period: to

    Senior Year

    Useless timespan #4 dedicated to my Senior year. <INSERT FLAVOR TEXT HERE>
  • Senior Boards

    Senior Boards
    Today was Senior boards. Basically prepared my entire Senior Project around this and I literally just dominated it. Everyone loved it, my senior project was something they've never seen before, they saw how passionate I am and they overall loved it and I'm pretty happy with the grade I got to be honest.
  • Where I'm Going

    All it took was a spark
    A spark of inspiration, a flicker of hope to get me going
    Where I'm going, I realize my wrong doing
    My sadness I did remark I shall return like a Pheonix to make my mark
    A man of happiness, smart and careful with the being
    The being that is Social Interaction, a challange I am taking
    I returned, a Light guiding my through the dark.
  • Where I'm going(2)

    A light at the end, my near future. the life of Finance
    Money and buisness is my domain
    A life in a cubicle or an officer is where I'll reign
    Monotonous and slow, I've sacrificed much to get far
    I will continue living as if I were a lance
    Impaling all challanges that raise the bar.