hi there, im Brianna Fischer. I am now 11 years old and my mom is at work trying to make money so she can buy food and feed us. and i mean "us" as my little brother william and i. My father left when i was 3 but it doesnt seem much diffrent around while hes not here. when he was here he never had time for us anyway. -
My mom and dad are on a train right now coming to visit me. After i left my mom got a promotion to head nuse at the hospital. So she gets more money. and now william is 14 years old. He is so grown. once i left my mom found out that my dad was stalking william and it scared her but she missed him so they got back together. I cant wait to see them!! -
New Home
i just moved to New York City from Ironland. i am I will never dread the day i left. That place wasa horrible. They treated woman like they were trash. I am so glad i got away from that place! -
i was shopping one day for the house. i was getting oranges down by the mill and i met this guy, his name was jackson. he has brown hair and glasses he is really tall and his father is the sherif. he is also very wealthy! -
Wedding, my Wedding.
My wedding was beautiful. it was by the bay. all our friend and family had came. Flowers where everywhere. It was spring time. We had nice weather. It had a slight breeze. It also smelled like roses. mhhmmm, there my favorite.