Brian's Timeline

  • When i was Born

    I was Born on August 2nd. I was born in a hospital and it was a nice hospital on like the 4th floor or something
  • When to walk

    I learned how to walk when I was 1 year old. it was raining outside and I couldn't play outside so I decided I am going to walk I got on to 2 legs and just took one step after another
  • Rode my first bike

    When I was about 5 years old I remember hoping on my first bike. It was a little tricycle but it was mine I would ride up and down the street all day long.
  • Playing Sports

    I was on the football team in 6th grade. I was got the nickname Ankles because at every game I would be breaking kids ankles juking them out and spin moves getting touchdowns all game it was a great sport to play i also played basketball making them 3's all day and all night and i did play baseball i was shortstop and i also played catcher.
  • Marching band

    I joined the marching band my freshman year of high school. going to all the football games and the practices weren't fun but the games and the bus rides where fun. i also became the drum major of the band which is the conductor of the band. and i can play clarinet, drums and that it.
  • Drum Major

    I was given Drum Major through all my hard work in to the band that I was picked to be Drum Major of the marching band it was the greatest time of my life it was great! it gave me a lot of leadership skills.
  • Tech Troop

    I also became a tech troop my Jr. year as well that's where I started learning about computer and getting a hobby for computers. that class would lead me to a summer job.
  • Summer Job

    I got my summer through Information Systems that also was my Jr. year it was a lot of fun the job we fixed computers and broke computers it was great it was fun and it got me a tech spot at westwood
  • Head Tech

    I got head tech of Westwood I got it because I showed that I was the best at my job I had to do hard work and that hard work paid off really well because now I am getting paid during the school year. This job will set me up for life and get me ready for what i really want to do as a career.