Brian's Media Exposure Timeline

  • Music

    My parents used to buy various DVDs to play music back in the day. According to them, listening to songs, especially lullabies, made me sleep faster and kept me entertained whenever I was bored.
  • Cartoons

    Ever since I was born, the television became my daily source of content and entertainment. From lullabies to news, it was the center of attention of my infant brain. I also watch a lot of cartoons, especially SpongeBob SquarePants.
  • Daily news

    Daily news
    Other than cartoons, my parents always watch the daily news every morning and evening. Even though I didn't understood the words reporters are saying, it still became one of my first exposures of mass media.
  • Facebook

    My first encounter with the internet was because of my aunt's laptop. Connection was painfully slow back then and one of the first websites I saw was my relative's Facebook account.
  • Radio

    According to my parents, I was about 4 years old when I first heard the sounds from my grandmother's radio. Back then, it was used to listen to songs during the afternoon.
  • The Bible

    The Bible
    The book in the picture was probably the first time I understood the words of printed media because of my mother's help. It was also full of pictures that my childish brain was delighted with. Overall, I can still remember some stories more than a decade after I first read them.
  • Flash games (estimated year)

    Flash games (estimated year)
    I used to play Adobe Flash Player games on back in the day. It exposed me to the simple steps of mechanics and logic of video games at an early age. Furthermore, it taught me the fundamental controls of a web browser.
  • School books

    School books
    When I started attending school, I was exposed to various kinds of printed media, especially school books. They established my understanding of media and the influence of education by teaching me addition and enhancing my reading comprehension.
  • YouTube

    For me, YouTube became the media source that influenced me the most. Even though my family relies on slow broadband connection for internet back then, it taught me various things and kept me entertained as well as updated about the world.
  • Facebook Messenger

    Facebook Messenger
    Messenger is one of the most dominant messenger platforms in the Philippines. In my case, it also became a constant source of information and various media. It also supports many media formats and enabled me to socialize back in elementary.
  • Online games (Growtopia)

    Online games (Growtopia)
    Growtopia changed my childhood. Other providing addictive gameplay that expands my understanding of media, it also trained me in recognizing English texts. Furthermore, it helped me socialize that gave me confidence in using the internet.
  • Spotify

    Spotify provides more than just music. When I first experienced it, the platform focuses on paid music subscription. Today, it expanded to countless podcasts that provide entertainment and information about current events and various topics, including sensitive issues.
  • Twitch

    Twitch popularized live streaming as a form of modern media. Today, it is associated with gaming and other competitive events. For me, it connects streamers to its viewers. My experience was overall pleasant and full of optimism.
  • Online news articles (Google News)

    Online news articles (Google News)
    Google News connects people to various online articles that may spark their interest. For me, it allowed me to stay updated about current events and pop culture through reading texts. Furthermore, it allowed me to develop hobbies such as drawing and learning about technology.
  • Instagram

    Instagram focuses on sharing media such as pictures and videos. Even though I was late to the party, I was still astonished by its capabilities. It allowed people like me to connect to various artists and their masterpieces.
  • Novels

    The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger was the first novel I ever finished that is not related to school. Furthermore, it became my gateway to enjoying long texts as a form of media. Today, its impact on me is still remarkable and memorable nonetheless.
  • TikTok

    For me, TikTok represents the current state of media evolution. It emphasizes the use of vertical videos that are suitable for a mobile experience. Even though I rarely used the app, my first use of it gave me a glimpse of its addictive nature. As a media platform, it sets the trends for the current generation.