Brazil flag 2014 hd

Brazil || Latin American Revolution

  • Invasion of Portugal

    Invasion of Portugal
    Napoléon Bonaparte invades Portugal with his army. This made King Joåo VI and his family, with the help of Brittish naval escort, flee from Portugal to Brazil
  • Arrival to Brazil

    Arrival to Brazil
    King John and his son Pedro, arrive and stablish themselves in Rio de Janeiro. There, they stablish the new capital and freed Brazil to trade with other nations at will.
  • Napoleon´s Defeat

    Napoleon´s Defeat
    The army of Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated on Waterloo.
  • Formation of a Kingdom

    Formation of  a Kingdom
    King John elevates Brazil colony to a kingdom because Brazil courtiers pressed of the elevation of Brazil from a Colony.
  • Period: to

    Constitutionalist Revolution

    The Portuguse Cortes had to create the kingdom´s first constitution and at demanded the return of the king to Portugal. It involved many liberal ideas.
  • King Pedro

    King Pedro
    King John named his son Pedro, to govern the kingdom of Brazil in his place.
  • The Returning of John

    The Returning of John
    King John left Brazil and went back to Portugal due to the request of the people.
  • Decretes of the Cortes

    Decretes of the Cortes
    The Cortes approved a decrete that subordinated the goverment of the provinces of Brazil directly to Portugal. This made Pedro the only and rightefull ruler of Rio De Janeiro. Other decretes ordered the return of King Pedro to Portugal and extinguished the judicial corts created by king John.
  • " I am ready: Tell the people that I will stay"

    " I am ready: Tell the people that I will stay"
    As the court deputies showed no respect towards the prince, his loyalty shifted to the brazilian causes and he decided to stay in Brazil.
  • Change of Ministers

    Change of Ministers
    King Pedro dismissed the Portufuese commanding general as well as his army to go back to Portugal. Then he named Jose Bonifácio, a brazilian caused leader, as the Minister of the Kingdom and Foreign Affairs.
  • Constituent and Legislative General Assembly

    Constituent and Legislative General Assembly
    The prince signed a decree calling for the lection of the deputies that will gather at the assembly because of liberal desires.
  • Pedro goes to Såo Pablo Province

    Pedro goes to Såo Pablo Province
    Pedro departs to the province of Såo Pablo to assure the province´s loyalty to the brazilian cause while his wife acts as the Princess Regent
  • A Letter for Independence

    A Letter for Independence
    A decree with Lisbon´s demands arrived in Rio de Janeiro while Pedro was in Sao Pablo. The Princess met with the council of Ministers and decided to send Pedro a letter adviving him to proclaim independence.
  • From a Kingdom to Independence

    From a Kingdom to Independence
    “Friends, the Portuguese Cortes want to enslave and pursue us. From today on our relations are broken. No ties unite us anymore” and continued after he pulled out his blue-white armband that symbolized Portugal: “Armbands off, soldiers. Hail to the independence, to freedom and to the separation of Brazil”. He unsheathed his sword affirming that "For my blood, my honor, my God, I swear to give Brazil freedom" and cried out: “Independence or death!”
  • Official Separation

    Official Separation
    Pedro wrote a letter to his father King John telling him about the independence. He stills recognized himself like the regent Prince, and considers his dad as the King of independent Brazil.
  • New Emperor

    New Emperor
    Prince Pedro was acllaimed Don Pedro I, Contiutional Emperor and Perpetual Defensor of Brazil. In that day, the reign of Pedro began and the Empiro of Brazil was established. Pedro accepted, but he said if his father comes back, he would rule hte empire.
  • Crowned

    Pedro I was crowned and consecrated as the new Emperor of Brazil. The reason for the imperial title was that the titleof king would mean a continuation of the Portuguese dynastic tradition and perhaps of the feared absolutism,
  • The Last Portuguese

    The Last Portuguese
    The last Portuguese army troop left Brazil
  • Treaty of Rio de Janeiro

    Treaty of Rio de Janeiro
    Treaty between the Kingdom of Portugal and the Empire of Bazil were Brazil is recognized as independent nation endind the wars for independence at Brazil.
  • Period: to

    General Assembly

    Pedro I argued for an independent judiciary, a popularly elected legislature and a government which would be led by the emperor. Others in parliament argued for a similar structure, only with a less influential role for the monarch.
  • Potugal king

    Potugal king
    King John died, and Pedro inherited the Portuguse crown briefly becoming King Pedro IV before abdicating in favor of her eldest daughet Maria II.
  • Abdication to son

    Abdication to son
    The emperor was unable to deal with problems in Portugal and in Brazil, he decided to abdicated to his son Pedro II and sail to Europe to help his daughter in Portugal.
  • Period: to


    Brazil was left with a five-year-old boy as head of state. With no precedent to follow, the Empire was faced with the prospect of a period of more than twelve years without a strong executive, as, under the constitution, Pedro II would not attain his majority and begin exercising authority as Emperor until 2 December 1843
  • Period: to

    Pedro II ruling

    Pedro II adquires authority and rules the Empire of Brazil after 12 years of none strong leader
  • Brazil becomes a republic

    Brazil becomes a republic
    Military coup d'état that established Brazil as a republic, overthrowing the constitutional monarchy of the Empire of Brazil and ending the reign of Emperor Dom Pedro II. None use of violence