Brayden mexico timelines

  • 250

    The Mayan Civilization

    The Mayan Civilization
  • Mar 27, 1200

    The Aztec

    The Aztec
  • Mar 27, 1519

    Capture of Montezuma/ Spanish Conquest

    Capture of Montezuma/ Spanish Conquest
  • Mar 27, 1521

    The fall of Tenochtitlan

    The fall of Tenochtitlan
  • Period: to

    The War of Independence

    Mexico be came its own couthy
  • in 1821 the new nation of mexico

    in 1821 the new nation of mexico
    mexico was far larger then it is today the mexcan and the war
  • Period: to

    Mexican American War

  • Cinco de Mayo - The Battle of Puebla

    Cinco de Mayo - The Battle of Puebla
    This holiday began after the Battle of Puebla where the Mexicans fought and won against the French. Now it is a day to celebrate Mexico's heritage and pride.
  • oli industry run by mexcan government

    oli industry run by mexcan government
    a decision was made by the president that the goverment would
    own mexico oil indeustry.
  • The Signing of NAFTA

    President Bush and leaders from Canada and Mexico met in San Antonio to sign the NAFTA agreement.