Early philosopher who created the first atomic theory and said that the atom was indivisible and could not be broken down any further -
Antoine Lavoiser
Chemist of the 18th century, and oxygen plays a roll in conbustion as well as figuring various things are made from atoms and elements -
John Dalton
Developed the modern atomic theory. Experimental research led to expansion in science for the atom -
Dmitri Mendeleev
Russian chemist of the 1800's and made the periodic law and created his version of the periodic table -
Ernest Rutherford
Father of nuclear physics and created further thought of creation atoms do -
Henry Moseley
An english physicist who created the first atomic number based off of protons to add to that of the modern day periodic table -
Werner Heisenberg
German theoretical physicist and one of the key pioneers of quantum mechanics. -
Erwin Schrodinger
Nobel prize winning austrian who changed the quantum theory to fit the modern day theory. -
Eugene Goldstein
Scientist who had discovered Protons to enhance our knowledge on orbiting of the nucleus -
J.J Thomson
English physicist who discovered the electron and developed the plum pudding model -
James Chadwick
English Physicist who discovered the nuetron -
Robert Millikan
Nobel prize winning physicist measured the electronic charge -
Max Planck
Creator of the quantum theory and contributed to the atomic and subatomic processes -
Niels Bohr
Danish physicist who discovered the property of atoms