Brad Potzka

By BradP
  • Birth

    I know who both my parents are, but they were never married so I've had to go back and forth between their houses every since I was little. I have a brother that is 20 years older than me, but we have different dads. Since he's so much older than me, I grew up as an only child because he was living on his own.
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    My Life

  • Glasses

    I believe I was around 3 when I got my first pair of glasses. Ever since then, my eyes have gotten worse, but I wear contacts now. My eyes have been stable for the past couple years so I hope to get surgery when I turn 18.
  • Dirtbikes

    When I was around 6 years old, my dad got me my first dirt bike. I started out with training rules and practiced in a park near our house. When I got better we started going to the track almost every weekend for many years until about 2015. I regret stopping this super fun hobby.
  • Sea World

    Sea World
    I believe I was around 9 when I went to Sea World. I've been to these kinda of places before, but this time was different. This time I went to Sea World, I got separated from my mom and her boyfriend after watching Shamu. It was freaky because it's the only time I've really gotten separated from my parents. One of the Sea World staff was really nice and played eye spy with me to pass the time as we waited for my parents.
  • My Nose

    My Nose
    I believe I was about 10 when I broke my nose. I didn't have contacts at the time, but I was riding dirt bikes. However, my glasses wouldn't fit in the goggles so I would take them off. I was on my way back to the truck when I looked away for a second then ran straight into a fence and the bar hit my nose. I was rushed to the ER. After that I was definitely more careful about where I was going.
  • Indonesia

    My dad likes to travel so he brought me to Indonesia for the month of June during summer vacation. It was eye opening seeing how different other parts of the world are. For example, they didn't use toilet paper, and the toilets were used by squatting. We also got to see how crazy the traffic and driving is. The best part about the trip was watching live buffalo fights. There was now fence to keep the audience safe, so a kid almost got trampled.
  • Tech Troops

    Tech Troops
    I joined the tech troops my sophomore year, 2nd semester. That is when all the students received their school laptops. Being a tech troop was the best thing to happen to me. It helped me mature because I had to work with students and teachers. It also got me a 29 hour a week job for the past two summers, and I'll have it again this coming summer. I don't think I would've grown as much as I have if I never got this opportunity.
  • Germany

    For the summer of 2016 I went to Germany with my dad. It was nice because he had a friend that lived there so we had a nice place to stay. We drove all around the country and even crossed into Switzerland for a day. I got to see pretty much all of Germany and how the people lived. They have very small refrigerators so they go to the market almost every day to get food.
  • Senior Year

    Senior Year
    Senior year has been my best year for personal growth ever. I was able to narrow down what i want to do as a career and decide between two colleges. I also joined robotics club to be part of the programming team which has helped me figure out what I like to do. I've also become more passionate about things which I like because now I don't waste as much time.
  • Christmas

    This Christmas was the best one I'd ever had. I was with my family in Massachusetts during Christmas week, which hasn't happened in many years. It's always hosted at the same house, and this year there were 55 people crammed into the two story house. My family is really silly and there was an adult gift exchange with lots of funny moments.