Boy scouts of america

  • Founding of Boy Scouts of America

    Founding of Boy Scouts of America
    In 1910, the Boy Scouts of America was founded to help improve the preparedness of young boys growing up
  • Period: to

    Boy scouts

  • The disassociation of BSA

    The disassociation of BSA
    In 1912, a member of another organization, the American Boy Scouts, shot another boy with a rifle. West quickly distanced the BSA from the ABS program and any military training or discipline. He refused to allow the BSA Supply group to sell the Remington rifle endorsed by the ABS and de-emphasized the Marksmanship merit badge.
  • A change in allowance

    A change in allowance
    Boy scouts originally had no affiliation with religious parties, however in 1913, the BSA was accepted by many religions as long as the troop leaders were from that religion
  • The Boy Scouts get jobs in government

    The Boy Scouts get jobs in government
    Boy Scouts served as crowd control at the inauguration of President Woodrow Wilson in 1913, and have served at every inauguration since in some ceremonial role. The Philadelphia Area Council started a Scout honor society called the Order of the Arrow in 1915 that eventually became an important part of the Boy Scout program.
  • New branches for remote scouts

    New branches for remote scouts
    In 1915, Boyce incorporated the Lone Scouts of America (LSA) and invested all of his new boys as members and himself as the "Chief Totem". The BSA later formed the Pioneer Scouts in 1916 as an outreach to mostly rural areas with only moderate success.[11] In 1924, the LSA merged into the BSA and was run as the Rural Scouting Division for the next decade.
  • Division between younger boys and older boys

    Division between younger boys and older boys
    Unofficial programs for younger boys started around 1918, under names such as Junior Troops or Cadet Corps. The BSA obtained the rights to Baden-Powell's The Wolf Cub Handbook in 1916 and used it in unofficial Wolf Cub programs starting in 1918.
  • First Derby

    First Derby
    The first pinewood derby was held in 1953, becoming an official part of the program in 1955. In 1954, the Webelos den program was started for 10-½ year olds and a Webelos den emblem was introduced, used on the Webelos den flag and replacing the den number on the uniform.
  • A new Age of Scouting

    A new Age of Scouting
    In September 1972 the Boy Scouts launched the Improved Scouting Program. They published a radically revised handbook which made learning outdoor skills optional for the three lower ranks, They eliminated outdoor merit badges, no longer considering them required; those removed included Camping, Cooking, Nature, Swimming, and Lifesaving.
  • More divisions

    More divisions
    A parallel program with a nautical emphasis known as Sea Scouts continues to exist today as Sea Scouting, part of the Venturing program that the Boy Scouts of America offers for young men and women.
  • Returning to roots

    Returning to roots
    The changes in the advancement requirements were a disastrous failure for Scouting and membership plummeted.[24] The BSA lured William "Green Bar Bill" Hillcourt out of retirement in 1979 and he spent an entire year writing the 9th Edition of the Boy Scout Handbook. It was a return to the traditional Scouting program after the disastrous membership losses suffered by the 1970s program.