Boston Massacre and Tea Party

  • Britain Imposed taxes

    Britain was deep in debt, the Parliament imposed a series of taxes on American colonists.
  • The stamp act

    The Stamp Act of 1765 taxed colonists on virtually every piece of printed paper, from playing cards and business licenses to newspapers and legal documents.
  • The Townshend Act

    The Townshend Acts of 1767 the British​ Parliament begun taxing essentials such as paint, paper, glass, lead, and tea.
  • First clashes between sides

    On March 5, 1770, a street brawl happened in Boston between American colonists and British soldiers.
  • The Tea Act

    In May 1773, British Parliament passed the Tea Act which allowed British East India Company to sell tea to the colonies duty-free and much cheaper than other tea companies – but still tax the tea when it reached colonial ports.
  • Boycott against the Tea Act

    By December 16, 1765, Dartmouth had been joined by her sister ships, Beaver and Eleanor; all three ships loaded with tea from China. The Sons of Liberty held meetings rallying against the ​British Parliament and protested the Tea Act.