Maddie's Personal Timeline (2004-2021)

  • The Beginning of My Life Course

    The Beginning of My Life Course
    My life began in Stouffville, Ontario where I was born. I would become the youngest child in my family, with an older sister and brother to keep me company. The social norm of being the youngest sibling is that you got what you wanted, you were annoying, and you're a baby. I can accurately say that this is exactly what I was like, or still am. I've learned to become more mature over the years due to experiences and challenges.
  • Growing up in Suriname

    Growing up in Suriname
    Shortly after I was born, my family and I moved to the smallest country in South America: Suriname. This significant event would then change my life for the better. In Suriname, we grew up speaking English, alongside Dutch since the country was a Dutch colonization. My father fluently spoke in Dutch, and I attended a Dutch preschool with my older brother. Suriname being the country I grew up in, became my home and one that I miss very much.
  • Moving to Canada

    Moving to Canada
    One Summer, my family and I travelled to Canada for vacation. During our stay, my father decided that we should live here. My life in Suriname would then be dropped and soon left in the past. Canada was very different than Suriname. An evident contrast would be that Suriname was a developing country and Canada was developed. I was also used to the hot tropical, yet rainy weather in Suriname, while I experienced snow and the 4 seasons for the first time.
  • Enrolling in Elementary School

    Enrolling in Elementary School
    After moving to Canada, I was enrolled into a private school. I struggled with the English language since I was speaking Dutch back home, consequently I was put in a grade a year younger than me. It was difficult to suddenly start learning material in English and to be in a classroom of almost 30 other children. I was used to a class of around 10.
  • Joining Sports Teams

    Joining Sports Teams
    Around when I was in grade in grade 3, I joined a competitive badminton team. I really enjoyed playing the sport and spending time with my teammates. I had only competed in a few matches and was always nervous to play. When I was playing badminton, I was really happy. A bit later, I also joined a competitive swim team. I went to tons and tons of meets where I always felt anxious and one time I ended up throwing up before an event. Joining sports teams really made me athletic.
  • Graduating from Middle School

    Graduating from Middle School
    After a long 7 years in school, it was time to do another 4 years. When I graduated from middle school, I could only feel a sense of relief. Middle school wasn't that pleasant to me because I was alone for most of the time and was always busy studying and at swim/badminton practice. I never felt in place, but mostly an outsider because of how quiet and shy I was. I was excited and nervous to transition to high school, but I was more than ready to leave middle school.
  • Starting High School

    Starting High School
    When I first started high school, everything was very new to me but it was exciting. I met my best friend that I will cherish forever. In the first year, mistakes were made and I got to learn from them. I'm glad that I went through challenges and changes because it helped me realize what my values in life were: family, friendship, and being selfless. I would consider this to be a trajectory because there were multiple transitions I had to undergo; a student, friend, even a girlfriend.
  • Finding My Best Friend

    Finding My Best Friend
    As a kid, I had always begged my parents for a dog. After years and years of nagging, my parents finally folded and I met my best friend for life. His name is Jax, a white German Shepard. He is the most adorable, loving, and funny person I know. He immediately became my best friend and someone I would want by my side forever. I transitioned to being his best friend and caregiver. He is the most important person in my life and he made me more responsible and selfless.
  • The Pandemic Hits

    The Pandemic Hits
    A major life event that occurred was the Corona Virus. It was announced that March break would be extended to 2 weeks, and I was more than happy to have a long break. Little did I know that it would change my life, and that my only full year of high school would be grade 9. Not only did my entire life come to a halt, but so did my mental health. During quarantine, I felt very isolated and alone, making my mental health deteriorate.
  • Getting My First Job

    Getting My First Job
    I had always wanted to get a job so I could be busy and start making money to pay my parents back for everything. I also see it as an opportunity to gain experience and to work with adults. When I got a job offer, I was beyond excited and happy, I remember the first day of work, my feet hurt so much and my body was aching. Over the past few months of working, I learned just how important it is to spend money wisely. Experiencing all the hours put in made me realize that time is money.
  • Going Back to School

    Going Back to School
    Before I knew it, it was time to go back to school; in person. I had not been at school in around 2 years so I was very anxious. It was hard to adjust to being there for a bit, but after a month I eventually got used to it, although I cannot wake up in the mornings. It was calming to see people in the same cohort, we had all gone through the pandemic, online school, and had been changing as people. I was comforted by that so in a way I was happy to be back.