1534351691 997591 1534352892 noticia normal


  • 3035 BCE


    the first papiro was found in egipt in the grave of Hamaka,but we don't know who invented.
  • 200 BCE


    the first pergamino was made in Pergamo by Eumenes III Is made with mutton,caw,donkey,antilope...it was very spensybe becaue of the time of preparation.
  • 1440

    Impres book

    Impres book
    the first impres book was made in Mesopotamia by Gutemberg the first big impres book was the biblia of gutemberg.
  • XXI Book

    XXI Book
    The XXI Book was invented in china by one group of people.When china invented the paper they thought to invent the book
  • The top secret book

    The top secret book was invented in Leioa by Eneritz Frontela,Haizea Txarterina and Maider Garcia.This invention was invented to teachers don't scold us with aour things and to hide aour things and secrets in class.