Conversion of paul

Life of Paul {and other NT events}

  • 30

    Ascension of Jesus

    Ascension of Jesus
  • Period: 30 to 60

    Book of Acts

  • 32

    Paul's Conversion

    Paul's Conversion
    Read in Acts 9, then his own recounting in Acts 22 & 26.
  • 32

    Paul Ministers in Damascus

    Paul Ministers in Damascus
    For a short period of time, Paul ministered in Damascus after his conversion (Acts 9:19-22)
  • Period: 32 to 35

    Paul in Arabia

    "Recorded in Galatians, though not in Acts, are Paul's three-year stay in the Arabian desert and his return to Damascus [Gal 1:17-18]. It is uncertain whether the attempt to kill him [Acts 9:23] took place in the first or second visit to Damascus, although the date for the rule of the ethnarch King Aretas is probably around 37, thereby indicating the second visit (2 Cor 11:32-33)." ~ Stanley Porter
  • 35

    Paul 1st Jerusalem Visit

    Paul 1st Jerusalem Visit
    Acts 9:26-30 & Gal 1:18-20. Barnabas is the one who encourages the apostles to meet with Paul! Some date this around 37 based on the anchoring of King Aretas.
  • Period: 36 to 46

    Paul's "silent years" in Syria and Cilicia

    Gal 1:21; Acts 9:30
  • Period: 46 to 47

    Barnabas seeks Paul in Tarsus and Brings Him to Antioch

    Barnabas "brought [Paul] to Syrian Antioch, where they met with the church and taught together." Porter Acts 11:22, 25-26
  • 47

    Paul's 2nd visit to Jerusalem

    Paul's 2nd visit to Jerusalem
    This occurred in Acts 11:27-30 w/ the church in Antioch sending him and Barnabas to give aid to the saints in Jerusalem. See also Galatians 2:1-10.
  • Period: 47 to 48

    Paul's first missionary journey

    Acts 13-14
  • 48

    Paul writes Galatians

    Paul writes Galatians
    Taking a South Galatia view as well as a pre-Acts 15 timeline for Galatians (otherwise, why didn't Paul mention the conclusion of the Jerusalem council to the Galatians???).
  • 48

    First Missionary Journey Map

    First Missionary Journey Map
    Barnabas and Saul sent from Antioch (Acts 13:1-3)
    Seleucia to Cyprus (Acts 13:4-12, including Salamis and Paphos)
    Asia Minor (Acts 13:13-14:26; Perga to Pisidian Antioch to Iconium to Lystra to Derbe to Perga to Attalia)
    Return home to Syrian Antioch (Acts 14:26-28)
  • 49

    Jerusalem Council

    Jerusalem Council
    This pivotal event which is found in Acts 15 addresses the same major issue in the book of Galatians!
  • 49

    Claudius's Edict to banish Jews from Rome

    Claudius's Edict to banish Jews from Rome
    This is recorded in Acts 18:2. It lasted until Claudius's death in 54.
  • Period: 50 to 52

    Paul's second missionary journey

    After the Jerusalem council, Paul begins moving the gospel into Macedonia.
    After split over Mark (15:36-40)
    Syrian Cilicia (15:41)
    Phrygian Galatia (Derbe and Lystra; 16:1-6)
    Macedonian call forbade them to preach in Asia (16:7) leading them to Troas where Paul received a vision (16:8-10)
    Philippi (16:12-40)
    Thessalonica (17:1-9)
    Berea (17:10-14)
    Athens (17:15-34)
    Corinth (a 1 1/2 year stay; 18:1-18) Paul writes 1 & 2 Thess here likely
    Ephesus (18:19-21)
    Caesarea, Jerusalem, & Antioch (18:22)
  • 51

    Epistles to the Thessalonians

    Epistles to the Thessalonians
  • 52

    Second Missionary Journey Map

    Second Missionary Journey Map
    Acts 15:36-18:22
  • Period: 53 to 57

    Paul's third missionary journey

    Antioch to Galatia & Phrygia (18:23)
    Ephesus (Acts 19) staying 2 years (19:10); Corinthian correspondence begins including 1 Cor (55)
    Troas (2 Cor 2:12-13)
    Macedonia (20:1-2); 2 Cor (56)
    Greece (20:2-3) most likely in Corinth; wrote Romans (57)
    Macedonia (20:4-6)
    Troas (20:6-12)
    Miletus (20:13-38) where he meets w/ elders of Ephesus
    Tyre (21:3-7)
    Caeserea (21:8-14)
    Jerusalem (21:15-23:32) arrested
  • 54

    Claudius's death

    Claudius's death
    The assumption is that the Jews would be allowed to return to Rome. Nero is the next emperor!
  • 55

    Corinthian Correspondence

    Corinthian Correspondence
  • 57

    Paul arrested in Jerusalem

    Paul arrested in Jerusalem
    See Acts 21:27
  • 57

    Epistle to the Romans

    Epistle to the Romans
    Probably written when he was in Greece for 3 months (Acts 20:2-3)
  • 57

    Third Missionary Journey Map

    Third Missionary Journey Map
  • Period: 57 to 59

    Paul imprisoned in Caesarea

    Delayed on his way to Rome, Paul stayed in Caesarea 2 years (Acts 23:33-26:32)
  • Period: 57 to 62

    Paul in Roman Custody

  • 60

    Paul travels to Rome by sea in chains

    Paul travels to Rome by sea in chains
    It is at this point that Luke has probably reached his present day while writing Acts. But the theological goal has been met. All roads lead to Rome means all roads lead FROM Rome.
  • Period: 60 to 62

    Paul under house arrest in Rome

    Acts 28:30-31
  • 61

    Prison Epistles written

    Prison Epistles written
    Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, & Philemon
    (Possibly 2 Timothy as well)
    Some may have been written in his Caesarean Imprisonment earlier.
  • Period: 62 to 65

    Possible Post-Imprisonment Ministry

    If 1 Timothy and Titus are taken to be after Paul's stint in Rome (ending 62), then there are details that he traveled again to Macedonia and Ephesus (1 Tim 1:3), Crete (Tit 1:5), Nicopolis (Tit 3:12), Troas (2 Tim 4:13), and Miletus (2 Tim 4:20).
  • 64

    Great Fire of Rome

    Great Fire of Rome
    Nero blamed the Christians for what was likely his own doing.
  • 66

    Paul Beheaded [according to tradition]

    Paul Beheaded [according to tradition]
    But as late as 68 and possibly as early as 65
  • 70

    Temple Destroyed

    Temple Destroyed
  • 95
