
By kurso
  • 11,200 BCE

    Book 1

    Book 1
    telemachus listens and yells at the suitors.
  • 1200 BCE

    book 1

    book 1
    Athena asks zeus to inteverves odysseus/poseidon.
  • 1200 BCE

    Book 1

    Book 1
    Athena disguises herself and speaks to telemachus.
  • 1199 BCE

    Book 2

    Book 2
    telemachus calls suitors for a meeting.
  • 1199 BCE

    Book 2

    Book 2
    penelope weaves and unweaves a shroud for levetes. she does this to avoid marrying a suitors.
  • 1199 BCE

    Book 2

    Book 2
    Mentor helps telemachus prepare to go find odysseus.
  • 1198 BCE

    Book 3

    Book 3
    they went to go and talk to king Nestor.
  • 1198 BCE

    Book 3

    Book 3
    How they were telling him some good advice when to find his dad.
  • 1198 BCE

    Book 3

    Book 3
    how athena turns back to a bird and went back to zeus
  • 1197 BCE

    Book 4

    Book 4
    how they went to go and talk to pisistratus.
  • 1197 BCE

    Book 4

    Book 4
    how they got the boat ready to find his father. and then eidothea came and talk to that person.
  • 1197 BCE

    Book 4

    Book 4
    how she made them hide them under an animal and to get her father.
  • 1197 BCE

    Book 4

    Book 4
    how they were getting ready to go on the ship.
  • 1197 BCE

    Book 4

    Book 4
    How they find out he took the ship
  • 1197 BCE

    Book 4

    Book 4
    How she found out what her son going to do so she prays to her father.
  • 1196 BCE

    Book 5

    Book 5
    how zeus told hermes to tell calypso to let odysseus go.
  • 1196 BCE

    Book 5

    Book 5
    How calypso does not want him to go so she try to talk him in to staying but did not work on him.
  • 1196 BCE

    Book 5

    Book 5
    then odysseus goes and builds a boat.
  • 1196 BCE

    Book 5

    Book 5
    How poseidon found out that the gods release odysseus.
  • 1196 BCE

    Book 5

    Book 5
    how poseidon makes his boat break and how they almost make him drown.
  • 1196 BCE

    Book 5

    Book 5
    how this mermaid finds him and saves him. and he prays to the god. finds his way to an island.
  • 1195 BCE

    Book 6

    Book 6
    odysseus was listening to the music and follow the music to the people.
  • 1195 BCE

    Book 6

    Book 6
    how he ask an goddess for help for food and clothes. her name is Nausicaa.
  • 1195 BCE

    Book 6

    Book 6
    How they get him the things he needs so they let him wash him self and get him dress and they give him food.
  • 1194 BCE

    book 7

    book 7
    he came to get help from the mother
  • 1194 BCE

    Book 7

    Book 7
    the father and the mother said they will help.
  • 1194 BCE

    Book 7

    Book 7
    they made him sleep there and then the next day they will have a fest
  • 1193 BCE

    Book 8

    Book 8
    how they said that there if a fest and to give him gifts.
  • 1193 BCE

    book 8

    book 8
    how someone told him that he can not be apart of this and then he got mad and made everyone shock.
  • 1192 BCE

    book nine

    book nine
    how they went to the island of cicones and how they went to steal all of their goods. how he said they need to go but know one listen.
  • 1192 BCE

    Book nine

    Book nine
    then they went to a different island an eat food and then they seen a cave and they got lock in their because of the cyclopes close them in.
  • 1192 BCE

    book nine

    book nine
    he is explaining the story of how he went to the village and got caught and how they left men behind.
  • 1191 BCE

    book ten

    book ten
    how he went to an island and how the king sent them to there home and they went but they thought they were doing fine but really there not. odyssey was knock off of the boat.
  • 1191 BCE

    book ten

    book ten
    how he came back to the island he was just on.
  • 1191 BCE

    book ten

    book ten
    the king did not want him on his island so he kick him of so they went and went to a new island.
  • 1190 BCE

    book 11

    book 11
    How they came to the island with the dead people. And how them come when they smell blood.
  • 1190 BCE

    book 11

    book 11
    He found one of his friends that he seen the other day
    and he seen his mom.
  • 1190 BCE

    book 11

    book 11
    How he was talking about meeting everyone and how he is still stuck in the seas.
  • 1190 BCE

    book 11

    book 11
    how he was told what to do and what not to do
  • 1189 BCE

    book 12

    book 12
    How they were leaving to go home and how Circe was informing them when they were going to go home.
  • 1189 BCE

    book 12

    book 12
    How they went by the girls that sings and makes them cry and then eat you. Then the went by the sea swallowing the water.
  • 1189 BCE

    book 12

    book 12
    How they just went to an island when they were done with all of this.
  • 1188 BCE

    book 13

    book 13
    How Odysseus was told to go home so he went on his boat and ends up to be on a different island.
  • 1188 BCE

    book 13

    book 13
    How a goddess came and was showing Odysseus around his island and say that is wife has suitors.
  • 1188 BCE

    book 13

    book 13
    How Odysseus was told the he can take on the suitors how he has to use his famous wits to make a plan.
  • 1188 BCE

    book 13

    book 13
    How she made him in to an old person and said that his son is looking for him and how she said that she will get the son home safely.
  • 1187 BCE

    book 14

    book 14
    How Odysseus went to some house of a farmer that he knows from being king. How he went on his land and had to dogs going to attack him.
  • 1187 BCE

    book 14

    book 14
    How the man let him in and let him say there.
  • 1186 BCE

    book 15

    book 15
    How they tell telemachus to come back to the land because Athena need him to meet his father.
  • 1186 BCE

    book 15

    book 15
    How Athena said to the man that was running the ship to just go to the island.
  • 1185 BCE

    book 16

    book 16
    How Odysseus and Telemachus meet for the first time in 20 years.
  • 1184 BCE

    book 17

    book 17
    When he gets back but since he is dress as an homeless person people are being mean to him.
  • 1184 BCE

    book 17

    book 17
    How Odysseus dog is getting old and he just wanted to see odysseus for the last time then died and then Athena grab the dog and bring it to the underworld.
  • 1183 BCE

    book 18

    book 18
    How they Odysseus was sitting in someone seat so Odysseus said that ok there enough room for both of us and he said no so someone said let there be a fight.
  • 1183 BCE

    book 18

    book 18
    The Odysseus had took off his shirt and everyone was shocked because he really was built. Then they were fighting the Odysseus won.
  • 1182 BCE

    book 19

    book 19
    Telematics found weapons and give them to his father and then athena help they by blocking the way.
  • 1182 BCE

    book 19

    book 19
    How Telemus mother wanted to talk to him and how he saying he was friends with her husband so she made her worker do work like take him a bath and make a bed for him
  • 1182 BCE

    book 19

    book 19
    when the lady was wash him she found out he was Odysseus but did not want her to tell anybody.
  • 1181 BCE

    book 20

    book 20
    How Odysseus went back to his friend and was walking around and found his friends.
  • 1181 BCE

    book 20

    book 20
    How they said let him come and eat food so he did and then when he was eating people stating throwing cow feet at him.
  • 1180 BCE

    book 21

    book 21
    How Penelope wanted them to start the computation to see how is her next husband and they had to put string on the bow and make the arrow go thru 12 things.
  • 1180 BCE

    book 21

    book 21
    How everyone keep trying to put the string on the bow but lost and lost so they said let's do it the next day.
  • 1180 BCE

    book 21

    book 21
    How odysseus wanted to try and go he got the string on and went through the 12 things.
  • 1179 BCE

    book 22

    book 22
    How Odysseus killed the noblest man of ithaca but that is what the people say. but when the people say that Odysseus came out and said i am odysseus you guys are bothering my wife.
  • 1179 BCE

    book 22

    book 22
    How he kills another guy that everyone looks up to and how Telemachus is killing people to and went to go to the storeroom to get weapons.
  • 1179 BCE

    book 22

    book 22
    How they went and kill more people and how the other people got weapons and how they went and try to kill the other people.
  • 1179 BCE

    book 22

    book 22
    How they went and killed everyone and made the woman clean it up.
  • 1178 BCE

    book 23

    book 23
    How they went to get Penelope.and how he was washing up and came to her to talk to her.
  • 1178 BCE

    book 23

    book 23
    They went a talk and how they she like sleep in her own bed and how then he said something to say that he is Odysseus and then she cried then they went to bed.
  • 1177 BCE

    book 24

    book 24
    In book 24 some people for odysseus land is making people angry because of how people said it was no fear for Odysseus because he killed all of his friends sons and it was there last changes of having young people for them to fight.
  • 1177 BCE

    book 24

    book 24
    In book 24 after all of that was happening odysseus found his father and when he found his father his father did not know who he is. So odysseus was told him about the tree. That his father grew when he was younger.
  • 1177 BCE

    book 24

    book 24
    What also happened in book 24 right after he might his father the went to war. They went to war with the fathers of the men that he killed.
  • 1177 BCE

    book 24

    book 24
    What also happen in book 24 the odysseus told the father to pray to Athena. so he can fly so when he did that she made him fly. Then right after he fly and they went on the ground. Athena came and told them that that they can not fight anymore. She said that they just need peace in there life. And they should put their weapons a ways. And told Odysseus that he should die in peace.