bloody friday
in england; IRA sets off 22 bombs killing 9, injuring 130 -
munich olympics bombing
ma'alot Massacre
May 15 @ Ma'alot high school in Isreal took 92 hostages killing 26- Popular front for the Liberation of Palestine -
La Mon Resturant Bombing
The IRA kills 12 people in the La Mon resturant bombing -
Iran Hostages Crisses
Iran muslim students take over the American Embassy in Iran and held 52 for 444 days -
United States Embassy Bombing
In Beorut,lebanon by a suucude bomber killing 63 people and 18 americans -
Barracks Beirut, Leb
Marine Barracks bombing killing 241 americans service men and injuring 81 -
Berlin Germany
Bomb explodes in nightclub frequented by U.S service man killed 3 including 2 soldiers Libya was held responsable -
Jalabad Afghanstin
A bomb blast in a cinama kills 31 injures 33 Taliban milantints -
Former Indion
Prime minster Rajv Gandi assassinated by a suicide bomblast-credited to Sri Lankin Tamil -
Nwe york New York
WTC Bombing 5 Islamic Groups kills 6 injures over 1000 -
OKC bombing
most deadly act of domestic terror up to that point. Killed 168 people wounded 800+ -
World Trait Center Attack
Death toll reached 2996 attcks included Pentagon and a 3rd flight that missed