Bobby's Life, Past Present and Future

  • not outgoing

    not outgoing
    It’s hard for me to talk to strangers
  • Period: to

    The Day I Was Born

    It's time I got out from the egg.
  • got acute asthma

    got acute asthma
    I got acute asthma when I was about 1 or 2 years old.
  • become stronger

    become stronger
    learn taekwondo
  • my greatest subject

    my greatest subject
    know that math is easy for me
  • robot

    learn about robot and win the second price in a competition
  • good hand writing

    good hand writing
    learn handwriting
  • Boring world

    Boring world
    because of the asthma I begin to feel boring about the world
  • Get into hospital

    Get into hospital
    be injured by some pieces of glasses and stay in hospital for 1 month.
  • confuse by the things I do

    confuse by the things I do
    If you want to learn something you need to know why you want to learn that
  • do some sport

    do some sport
    find that I can do some sports because my asthma is remission
  • A lesson by my friend: asthma

    A lesson by my friend: asthma
    You need to learn how to fell before runing
  • got into RDFZCY

    got into RDFZCY
    RDFZCY is my midschool and I become a great stdent because of it.
  • Interesting world

    Interesting world
    Because of the classmates and the teacher in my midschool I get interested in the world again
  • attitude

    Because of getting interesting in the world again, I change my attitude about learning
  • private place

    private place
    Do not think to much about other’s business
  • everyone has this experience

    everyone has this experience
    I got my first girlfriend
  • moved to Canada

    moved to Canada
    I move to Canada this summer and I feel just right.
  • learn a little about javascript

    learn a little about javascript
    I'm interested in computer, and I have a lot of free time now so I can learn something about javascript
  • The spread of the interests

    The spread of the interests
    If I have a lot of time, I can always make others get interested in my favorite things
  • Why so serious

    Why so serious
    I can make some serious people become unserious
  • The leader? NO!!!

    The leader? NO!!!
    I can always plan the events.
  • read without thorough understanding

    read without thorough understanding
    I know many things but just a little about each thing
  • strange interests

    strange interests
    I’m very interested in mythology
  • be good at cooking

    be good at cooking
    Both my father and my grandfather are good at cooking so I want to cook food by myself too.
  • get IELTS 7.5

    get IELTS 7.5
    It will be the first step of my life in Canada
  • learn about Statistics

    learn about Statistics
    I love math and good at math so I want to study Statistics in the future ,so maybe I can learn a little about it right now.
  • keep my weight

    keep my weight
    I don't want to be fat so I can do some sports.
  • job for the future 1

    job for the future 1
    the Statistician
  • job for the future 2

    job for the future 2
    the Estimator
  • job for the future 3

    job for the future 3
    the market analysis