Mills V Board of Education (1972)
Mills was a class action suit on behalf of 7 children, who resided in the District of Colombia. All 7 children had been identified as having behavioral problem or mentally retarded, All of these students had been denied educational services.
The court ruled that because the children would have been entitle under the school code in the District. The court ordered to adopt a remedial plan in order to ensure that the students receive their rights to equal education. https://youtu.be/M7vyKkyQkTM -
Board of Education V Rowley 488 US 176 (1982)
Amy Rowley, a deaf student at Furnace Woods Hendrick Hudson Central School District. Her parent met with the administrators to develop and IEP. The IEP required a interpreter. After 2 weeks, the interpreter concluded she functioned just like a non handicapped student.
The judge ruled that Amy Rowley was not receiving a free and appropriate public education.
This case has helped many individuals all over the world becoming familiar with their rights.
https://youtu.be/ZnMf1rzGzIg -
Honig V Doe, 484 US 305 (1988)
This case centered on two disable students in San Francisco. John Doe 17, who had difficult controlling his impulse and anger and Jack Smith, an emotionally disturbed EAHCA eligible student. Both of the students got suspend 5 days from school for this behavior.
The case ruled that the school board violated the education for handicapped children, you can't suspend a child related to their disability.
This case supported the needs of students who acted out in school https://youtu.be/77ZaSaoJENQ