Legal Ruling
Courts made the decision to place Holland in a regular second grade with additional support.
The legal rulings have supported the needs of students with disabilities by providing a variety of education that meet their needs. These rulings give them the education /support at no cost. Students with disabilities can receive special services that relate to and assist with their disability. Services may include physical and occupational therapy, recreation programs, and mobility services. -
Least Restrictive Environment
Educational benefits for Holland was in favor of placing her in a regular classroom. Holland and the district agreed upon and Individualized Education Plan(IEP).
Holland was 11 and mentally limited. To keep Holland from being shifted from class to class placement in regular classes was arranged. She attended several special education programs within the Sacramento district. -
Court Ruling
The final court ruling for Holland determined that the district had no support that educating her in a regular classroom would cost more than educating her in a setting with children of the like.
According to IDEA a state that welcomes federal funds must implement a "free appropriate" education to all children -
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