Blood Types are discovered
Karl Landsteiner discovers blood types A, b, and C which he later changes to O -
AB blood type discovered
Alfred von Decastello and Adriano Sturli discover the blood type AB. -
Testing blood
Dr. Ludvig Hektoen is the first doctor to test blood samples first to see if compatible. -
First successful blood transfusions
Dr. Reuben Ottenberg performs the first successful blood fusions and uses his technique for 128 blood transfusions. -
Storable Blood
Francis Peyton Rous and J.R. Turner developed a citrate-glucose solution which lets blood be stored for a few weeks after collection. -
Wartime blood donor service
Percy Lane Oliver starts a blood donor service in his home. -
Civilian Blood Donorship
Major health organizations agree to let civilians donate blood and plasma to soldiers. -
First Blood Bag
Dr. Carl W. Walter made the first blood bag to improve on past containers which were glass bottle that could break easily or get contaminated, which the bag prevents some breakage and contamination. -
First AIDS cases
The first cases of AIDS(know then as GRID Gay-related Immunodeficiency Disease) were found in gay men. -
AIDS outbreak
After many Americans are infected with AIDS from infected blood transfusions, and then blood screening tests are invented and used.