Claudius Galenus
Galenus discovered the linings of veins and where they were connected too. -
Jul 29, 1200
Eminent Cairo
He discoved the existence of the blood flow to and from the lungs -
Feb 22, 1553
Michael Servetus
Servetus came up with the idea that the blood pumped from the heart was passed throught the lungs not the veins, defying Galen's ideas. -
Fabricus was the first anatomist to publish his work on vein valves and make drawings for them. -
William Harvey
He explained that the blood circulates the body as the heart pumps. -
Jan Swammerdam
Jan is believed to be the first person to observe red blood cells -
Marcello Malpighi
Malphigi observed the capillary system with a microscope. The capillar system is a network of fine vessels that connect arteries and veins. -
Richard Lower
Lower has the very first recorded blood transfussion with animals. It was done with a very crude syringe. -
Dr. Denis
Denis had sued Antoine Mauroy's widow for ruining his reputation. This case later caused the fraench parliment to ban all human transfussions. -
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
Leeuwenhoek gave a very precis desccription of a RBC. He said it was "25,000 times smaller than a fine grain of sand" . -
William Hewson
Hewson discovered the coagulable lymph which is now known as the fibrogen. The fibrogen plays a big role in blood clotting. -
Philip Sing Physick
Physick had a foot note in his medical journal which proves that he actually performed the first blood transfussion from on human to another. -
James Blundell
Performs the first recorded blood transfer between humans. However the patient show improvement he died shortly after. -
Alfred von Decastello and Adriano Sturli
These two young men discovered the AB blood group which cause agglutination in both the A and B blood types. -
Albert Hustin and Luis Agote
They discovered that adding sodium citrate to blood will stop it from clotting, -
Oswald Robertson
Robertson collected and stored type O bood while serving in the army. -
Percy Lane Oliver
Oliver created a blood donor system where people on a 24 hour call and to travel to any hospitals that needed them. -
Dr. Bernard Fantus
Fantus started a blood bank in Chicago,Il. -
Dr. Charles Drew
The plasma shortage in WWII made the U.S start the Plasma of Britaain campaign. -
Surgeon Gen. of U.S Army
Civilian blood donation centers were set up throughout the country to collect plasma for the war. -
Dr. Carl W. Walter
Walter invented the first bag to hold blood in since they used to use glass bottles. -
Dr. Max Perutz
Perutz was able to unravel the hemo globin which is a carrier for protein within RBC's that carry oxygen. -
Drs. Kenneth M. Brinkhous
Brinkhous was able to turn raw plasma into cyro which is a hundred times stronger making useful for a hemophilla patient. -
The first cases of this syndrome. -
Many people were getting Aids due to all the blood tranfussions and notthe right screenings.