blood history

By Nola96
  • 157

    Cladius Galenus

    Cladius Galenus
    The second most important physician in history, proving there is blood in our veins. Galen ideas becaome the center of medical reasearch for years.
  • what makes blood circulate?

    what makes blood circulate?
    William Harvey states the heart pumps the blood through the body.
  • what does a blood cell look like

    what does a blood cell look like
    Swammerdam is the first person to see and give a discription of a red blood cell.
  • connections

    Marcello Malpighi doscover the vessels whcih connect the arteries and veins,
  • first blood transfusion

    first blood transfusion
    Richard Lower was the first to recorded he's transfusion on two dogs.
  • blood cell size

    blood cell size
    Anton Van Leeuwenhoek provided a better describtion of a blood cell. He said they are 2500 hundrend times smaller than a grain of sand.
  • clots

    william hewson discovers the key substance with in plasma that starts the blood clotting process.
  • human to human transfusion

    human to human transfusion
    James Bundell did the first recordedhuman to human blood transfusion. The patient was given 12 to 14 ounces of donor blood, the patient died shortly after showing improvement.
  • fragmants

    platelets are made up of small cell fragments of bone marrow.
  • diffrent types

    diffrent types
    Karl Landsteiner wrote a paper about the discovery of the A,B, and O blood types.
  • cross matching

    cross matching
    transfusins using incompatable blood types begin bein used.
  • salt

    .2 percent is the highest amount of sodium that can be placed with donor blood to prevent coagulation.
  • blood bank

    blood bank
    The first chain of blood banks were created by the soviets
  • more blood types!!

    more blood types!!
    the RH blood goup is discovered along with the anti-Rh.
  • subsitutes

    Dr. Charles Drew created a blood subsitute which was the blood plasma.
  • red cross

    red cross
    during world war two the red cross blood bank collected over 13 million ounces of blood .
  • containers

    Dr. Carl Walter creates the plastic baggy containers to hold the donated blood.
  • x-ray vision

    x-ray vision
    x-ray were used to see the structures of hemoglobin.
  • frozen

    frozen cryo has a greater power of clotting.
  • Test!

    Dr. Blumberg creates a test to identify hepatites in blood donors.
  • GRID

    AIDS is first incountered in gay men.
  • licensed test

    licensed test
    The ELISA test if created and made official to detect the HIV antibodies. The U.S and French governments share credit on discovering the AIDS virus.
  • test, test, and more tests,

    Several more tests are designed and created to detect diseases and infections in blood donors.
  • more blood types

    the fourth main type of blood is finaly discover which is AB.
  • diagnoses

    the LAV ( lymphadenophathy-associated virus) is diagnosed in a parisian patiet who had AIDS.