Period: 1095 to 1291
It was a holy war Chirstains abd muslims. a pope started the crusade.Started in medival tijme very voilent war. -
Greeks and romans. The frnehc word for rebirth. hhumanisam was made in it.italty had renisace beacuse of trades. humansim had spreed every where.cureral bridge to the middle age to mordern age. -
Period: Nov 7, 1337 to 1454
100 year war
116 years exactly. Enlgen and france. enlgen wanted independted posseion. the milltray was populour.enlgish torioty in france.conflics everywhere. the house of vailous -
Black pleuge
fleas and mice spreed it. was in trade ships. killed lots of people. It all over erpuope. 200milloned dided.bad hyige -
John of arc burned at the stake
She was burned on may 30th 1431. Died from smoke ihanaltion. She was 19 when she was burned. after king Charles VII was crowned arc was captured by burgain forces. she was tried for witchcraft and hersey. she clamied to hearing voices thus putting her up for witch craft. -
Johannes gutenberg printing press
moveable metal letters. He made printing matirals cheap.The bible was his first realse using the printing press. Insprited expoaratuib. inspirted 95 thieses. -
fall of constantinople
they used cannons to dystory the wall. this was the first of theri time to use wepons like the cannon. Gun poweder used like this was new. the millrary was good in this.they took down the entence good. -
Period: 1492 to 1502
Columbian Exchange
euproe and amrica is trading, Tomates came from amrica . deiases was trades also.slaves were in it. plants where in it. -
Aug 1, 1498
Christopher columbus lands in the new world
He found the isolands. Never set foot on amrica on his 4 trips.He was in the bahanmashe was trying to find a water route.he found port -
Mona Lisa Completed
it took them 4 years.Lendora da vanci made it. its in French. best known paintings.was painted on wood. -
Michelangelo beugns paitng the sistine
the painting and art was from the book of gennies.it ment breath for adam for the first man.he scafollded in 1511.it bortrailed many bible storys.it was celaberted by popes. -
Period: 1509 to Jan 28, 1547
King Henry VIII Reign
1509 is when he rulled. died on 1547. had kids. Many wifves. Maired 6 women. Maried women to try to get boy. -
The prince
machivaiel made the book. it was clained to be the first morden phillospiy. it was alsomodern pilcoics.there was convertvey with the writingd.the prince had thoughts about it too. -
Martin luther post 95 theses
A list of questions for debate. it was pinned at a church. It was pinned at October 31th 1517. the chrcuh was witten brug cattle church. it debated about ilduldions and other things about the church. -
Cortez conquers the Aztecs
The spanish campgain delcared win on aug 13. was led in hern cortes. axtecs were gone n aztec. . They were in a diaster. -
Period: 1533 to
Queen Elizabeth’s Reign
She was the longest one.she upraised her great. the first moarch to celebrate spaharte. -
Period: 1534 to 1545
Counter Reformation
cathoical revival.pope iii was the first pope to conver the coicl of trent.it exnttended power.started beacuse of cristsim. 95 thesses started it -
Period: 1547 to 1558
Ivan the terribles Reign
russain monarchry. was the person who made the horless man. killed went crazy when his wifre died. wife died from posin -
peace of aungs breug
tempaoary seddtamenet. TReaty bewtween reoguiois and charlys. it happend durring the reformation. signed at the imprail city. -
Edict of Nantes
sign inaprial 1598.protceed huagnoauts.gratend freedon for them. luoix xiv ended it.so many huagents were immagratedlet them do there reiauin, -
Loard geregire naccaubrty
didnt do the things they wanted to do there.he disrepected people there. dindt kiss the floor 9 times. he got expleed beaxucse t=fo that -
Period: to
ear of samuri
THey were a eleit millatray. did sddoku if they had no honor. they were disspabaned.they had laayers of armor. became bandits. -
William Shakespeare death
It is mystery how he died.his death isnt even known what day he dieed. Its comomanly belived he died on aprial 23.he died from an ilnnes.. It was near his brithday. -
Petition of Rights
one of englens converioal docments, writen by parlmient
english cictenzen saw this as a n inbmfringe ment for the rights. -
King Charles the first Execute
He was exacuated. It was for trreason. caused due the enlgish civil war.war with parmeliment and king. -
Period: to
Slave trades
the tringle trade waas part of slaves trades. They put them in ships. The middle passage was part of the trades. it was the route for the triggle trade. for the new world. -
lord macartney explleed
he was sent to china. he got expleed beacuse he didnt do what the chinnese wanted. this was one of the reaons why china was isloated. He didnt kiss the floor 9 times and bow.This how he was expleed -
Start of the spanish inquisition
holy office.known as the spanish inquisition. 21 trainable was established. eleaction. catholic monarchs -
Period: to
opium wars
china was hooked on a drug called opium. This was cause birtsh wanted gold and silver. The Britsh forced inda to grow this plant called opium. They got the siilver and gold from china. This caused many wars.