
Blended Learning Implementation - SDUSD

By dhause
  • Technology - Staff training

  • Strategic Planning

    to include key stakeholders: administrators, teachers, parents, students, superintendent, school board, and community members
  • Period: to

    Blended Learning Implementation

  • Choose blended learning model

    Choose model and identify courses and teachers
  • Create budget

  • Operations - iNACOL training for leadership

    to include project leader, instructional team, and administrative leaders.
  • Operations - Stakeholder Outreach

  • Content - Develop/Issue RFP

    Request for Proposal for blended learning content/platform provider
  • Teaching - Pan teaching role

  • Operations - Educate stakeholders

  • Content - Select content/provider

  • Teaching - Choose BL provider

  • Technology - Data dashboard

    plan for integration of BL platform and SIS
  • Operations - Finalize budget

    to be included in total district budget
  • Technology - Tech support planning

  • Teaching - BL teaching PD

    Platform and Pedagogy
  • Content - Configure courses for fall

  • Technology - Finalize BL platform/SIS integration

  • Operations - Complete facilities upgrade

  • Operations - Program Evaluation plan

  • Content - Orientation

    BL student online orientation course
  • Teaching - complete BL PD (teachers)

  • Teaching - Teacher Support Plan

    develop plan for first year