Berlin Airlift
The Berlin Airlift was caused when the Soviet Union cut off all water and land travel in or out of West Berlin hoping that the Allied powers would give Westeren Germany to the Soviets in order for them. Americans and the British flew in planes that gave Berlin supplies for 11 months with a plane landing from either side every three minutes. Because of this persistence, the Soviets lift the blockade on May 11, 1949. -
Formation of NATO
NATO was a alliance of 12 nations, which included the United States and even Canada. All the nations feared the Soviet aggression and the expansion of the Soviet Union under a communist government. -
Korean War
The Korean war was caused by the UN wanting to send international force to Korea. The Soviets had controlled the northeren section of the land and the U.S. controlled the South. The North invaded the South by crossing the 38th parallel. UN is able to send forces because of the Soviets failure to veto. Although there was no polictical changes as the U.S. had hoped, North Korea suffered economic problems and South Korea prospered as a country. -
Vietnam v. Franch War
The Vietnam War against France began when Ho Chi Minh started revolts to restore independance because France controlled most of Southwest Asia, However, the French surrender and Vietnam is divided at 17 degrees North latitude with Ho Chi Minh controllling the North and The U.S. & France, the South. -
Formation of the Warsaw Pact
Another alliance formed after WWII with Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. The alliance was created 6 years after NATO because of the lack of fear of those nations. However the Warsaw Pact was created after West Germany sided with NATO. -
Launch of Sputnik
Sputnik was the first unmanned satellite launched into space. The Soviets use this to intimidate the U.S. because Sputnik has an ICBM. The United States retalliate by catching up and launching a satellite in 1958. -
Bay pf Pigs
The Bay of Pigs was a mission by the CIA to overthrow the communist government in Cuba. However, the U.S. backs out last minute and the trained exiles are forced to stand alone. The exiles were easily defeated and this showed the Soviets that the U.S. wasn't going to keep their promise of not expanding to Latin American territory. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
In 1962, the Soviets build nuclear missile sites in Cuba which is 90 miles from Florida, a scary range to be in. This was discovered by a U.S. spy plane. After this discovery, the U.S. orders the nuclear weapons to be removed from Cuba. From here,a threat for nuclear war builds as blockades against Cuba are put into place. Soviets promise to remove them if the U.S. doesn't invade Cuba. -
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
Signed in 1968, it did not take any effect unitl 1970. The treaty's intention was to get rid of the threats of nuclear war, disarm the bombs and missiles, prevent countries who don't already have some from getting some, and agree to only have peaceful uses for nuclear energy. -
SALT Talks
SALT is an acronymn for "Strategic Arms Limitation Talks". The talks were in the Soviet Union after Nixon was the first U.S. President to visit China so the he moved to the Soviet Union. During these discussions, the United States and the Soviets decided that the number of ICBMs each country could have. -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall was originally built to seperate East and West Berlin. This wall stopped anyone from going in or out of East Berlin for it was heavily armed and monitored. When vactioning was allowed, East Germans left and never returned resulting in E.Germany closing its borders again. A new leader comes to power in E.Germany after several protests and he attempts to regain the stability. After this the Communist Party disappears.