Period: 4000 BCE to
Early Beginnings
3600 BCE
Medicines Used Today
Quinine, Morphine, Digitalis -
Period: 2999 BCE to 399
Ancient Times
2900 BCE
Ancient Egyptians
Health records: Egyptians were the fastest people to keep health records. -
1900 BCE
Ancient Chinese
The first people to discover and use acupuncture therapies. -
900 BCE
Ancient Greeks
The Greeks where the ones making the medicines and watched the people closely that took the medicine to see if they had any side effects after taking the medicine. -
Ancient Romans
Romans where the first ones to do medical care and to help anyone before hospitals were invented. -
Period: 400 to 800
Dark Age
The church believes in life and anyone who died was in gods hands. -
Period: 800 to 1400
Middle Age
Epidemics were caused by many dying in the Middle Ages. -
Period: 1350 to
They did literature and arts. -
Leonardo da Vinci
Artist and engineer. -
Gabriele Fallopius
Discovered and named parts of the human body. -
Bartolommeo Eustachio
He discovered descriptions of the body parts. -
William Harvey
He was the first to discover the full circulation of blood in the body. -
Antonie von Leeuwenhoek
He discovered both protist and bacteria. -
The people who made and gave medicines to people. -
Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin was known for the one doing the experiments. -
Medical students learning
All the learning was done by the medical state of knowledge so nothing that was really over the top type of knowledge. -
Joseph Priestley
He discovered Oxygen. -
Edward Jenner
He made the vaccination for cowpox so more people didn’t get sick. -
Rene Laennec
He invented the stethoscope. -
Ignaz Semmelweis
He discovered the cases of people that got sick. -
Florence Nightingale
She was a British nurse and was the founder of modern nursing. -
Louis Pasteur
He was one of the most important chemists. (He was a qualified chemist.) -
Dmitri Ivanovski
He discovered viruses. -
Joseph Lister
He was the one to find ways to prevent infections on people. -
Ernst von Bergmann
He practiced surgery and also introduced sterilization. -
Robert Koch
He discovered tuberculosis bacterium. -
Paul Ehrlich
He worked on trying to show peoples body immunity and also worked in chemotherapy. -
Wilhelm Roentgen
He discovered X-Rays. -
Used for procedures to prevent pain from happening. -
Sir Alexander Fleming
He discovered Penicillin. -
Sigmund Freud
He invented and helped develop psychoanalysis. -
Gerhard Domagk
Used mice to show that there can be bacteria poisoning. -
Jonas Salk
He discovered and also developed the first working polio vaccine. -
Albert Sabin
He developed vaccines for people that had a sleeping illness. (Encephalitis) -
Francis Crick and James Watson
They both discovered DNA. -
Christian Barnard
He led the team that preformed the first human to human heart transplant. -
Ben Carson
He lead the neurosurgeon team that consisted of 70 members.