Blakely's Timeline

  • Sister's Birth

    My sister was born as a micro preemie, just at 24 weeks. This was very significant in my life because since she was born so early, had given her some minor problems. These problems have taught me to be patient with people and her, and to be more understanding for people.
  • Going to Florida for the first time

  • Parent's Divorce

    This is probably the biggest thing that has happened to me in the past years. It has taught me a lot about who people are from this, and how people deceive so easily. These things have shown me how to have a greater discernment towards things, and to notice things quicker and easier.
  • Moving to Arkadelphia from Gurdon

  • 15th Birthday

    This birthday is probably one of the best or the best that I have ever had. I got a car, got a lot of cool gifts, and had a lot of friends over too. The main highlight of that day was hanging out with friends and my car.