• Event 1: Bobby Seale

    Event 1: Bobby Seale
    Bobby Seale is born in Dallas, TX
  • Event 2: Creation of Black Panthers

    Event 2: Creation of Black Panthers
  • Event 4:Fight Police brutality

    Event 4:Fight Police brutality
    Police Brutality
    President Hoover told FBI to stop the Black Panthers any means necessary. Almost all members of the Black Panthers Party and Black Nationalists were assaulted by the FBI and/or the police.
  • Event 2: Founded in Bobby Seale and Huey P. Neewton

    Event 2: Founded in Bobby Seale and Huey P. Neewton
    Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale both contributed to form the political party "The Black Panthers" this propose to fight for civil rights for African Americas by ending discriminations and segregating blacks in America. http://www.civilrightsteaching.org/Handouts/BPPhandout.pdf http://www.marxists.org/history/usa/workers/black-panthers/
  • Event 3: Creates Ten Point Program

    Event 3: Creates Ten Point Program
    Is a guide to accomplish bill of rights and declaration of independence for African American. http://www.stanford.edu/group/blackpanthers/history.shtml
  • Huey Newton's manslaughter trial

    Huey Newton's manslaughter trial
    The Case
    The case was about the injustice the court by a jury and murder. It is still unclear whether Newton actually killed a police officer.
  • Event 4: Free Breakfast

    Event 4: Free Breakfast
    In January, 1969, The Pathers start a Free Breakfast for School Children Program.
  • Event 5: J.Edgar Hoover leads FBI investigations into Black Panther activities

    Event 5: J.Edgar Hoover leads FBI investigations into Black Panther activities
    Due to Black Panthers going againts authority the J.Edgar Hoover leads the FBI to investigate futrther activities. The FBI was able to put and end to the Black Panthers. http://www.blackpanther.org/TenPoint.htm
  • Event 7: Major Acomplishment of the Black Panthers

    One of the Panthers accomplishment was that they included the provision of free breakfast for schoolchildren in the Chicago community, in the year 1968.
  • Event 8: Two Goals of the panthers

    Event 8: Two Goals of the panthers
    The black panthers goals are freedom; the power to determine the destiny of the Black and oppressed communities and Full Employment which it give every person employment or guaranteed income.