Paul Dirac, First suggestion of string theory
Einstein's failed unified thoery
Cesium Atomic clock
Feynman, Gell-Mann, Marshak, Sudarshan, V-A theory of weak interactions
Edward Lorenz, chaos theory
Roger Penrose, black holes must contain singularities
Roger Penrose proves that an imploding star will necessarily produce a singularity once it has formed an event horizon
Stephen Hawking, the surface area of a black holes event horizon always increases
Stephen Hawking proves that the area of a classical black hole's event horizon cannot decrease
Hubble Space Telescope, Evidence for black hole at the centre of galaxy M87
NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory identifies double galactic black holes system in merging galaxies NGC 6240
Further observations by a team from UCLA present even stronger evidence supporting Sagittarius A* as a black hole.