
Black History Month Timeline

  • Slavery Begins

    Slavery Begins
    First African American slaves arrive in the colony of Virginia.
  • Phillis Wheatly

    Phillis Wheatly
    An African domestic in the colonies, and a well-known colonial poet. Her poetry was ornate and elaborate.
  • 3/5 Compromise

    3/5 Compromise
    Salves were considered 3/5 of a person when determining the state population.
  • Fugitive Slave Law

    Fugitive Slave Law
    These laws provided for the return of escaped slaves to their owners. The North looked at these laws loosely which irritaed the South.
  • Eli Whitney

    Eli Whitney
    Eli Whitney created the cotton gin which increased the need for slaves.
  • Gabriel Prosser

    Gabriel Prosser
    Planned a slave revolt which was delayed by a flood. The revolt was stopped by a slave owner who found out about it and 25 men were hung.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Also known as the Compromise of 1820, this admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state. Declared all territory north of 36-30" latitude would become free states, and all territory south of the line would become slave states.
  • William Lloyd Garrison

    William Lloyd Garrison
    An abolitionist who created The Liberator, a militant weekly abolitionist newspaper.
  • Nat Turner's Slave Rebellion

    Nat Turner's Slave Rebellion
    A slave uprising that killed 60 whites in South Hampton, Virginia. This lead to a man hunt in which 100 blacks were killed. This resulted in strengthened fugitive slave laws.
  • Sojourner Truth

    Sojourner Truth
    Her given name was Isabelle Baumfree. She was the first black woman orator to speak out against slavery.
  • Frederick Douglass

    Frederick Douglass
    A self-educated slave who was an abolitionist speaker. He edited an anti-slavery weekly, the North Star.
  • Underground Railroad

    Underground Railroad
    A secret, shifting network which aided slaves escaping to the North and Canada. (Not really undergound)
  • Harriet Tubman

    Harriet Tubman
    A former escaped slave, she was a conductor of the Underground Railroad. She led 300 alaves to freedom.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Admission of Califronia as a free state. Organized Utah and New Mexico without restrictions on slavery. Abolition of slave trade in District of Columbia, and tougher fugitive slave laws.
  • Harriet Beecher Stowe

    Harriet Beecher Stowe
    She wrote a book: "Uncle Tom's Cabin." This revealed the life of a slave to the North, starting the Civil War.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Popular soverienty would determine whether Kansas and Nebraska would be a slave state or a free state,
  • Pottawatomie Massacre

    Pottawatomie Massacre
    John Brown led men to kill five pro-slavery men helping to begin the kansas Border Issue.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    Dred Scott was sued for his freedom. This was taken to the US Supreme Court which decided that he could not sue because he was property and not a federal citizen.
  • John Brown's Raid

    John Brown's Raid
    John Brown seised the arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia. He planned to end slavery by massacring slave owners and freeing their slaves.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    Had the issues of slavery. Abraham Lincoln, Stephan A. Douglas, John Bell, John C. Brechenridge ran for this election.
  • Crittenden Compromise Proposal

    Crittenden Compromise Proposal
    This proposed an amendment to that would look at slavery under the 36-30 line, keep congress out of slavery, and compensation for the owners of fugitive slaves would be issued.
  • Emancipation Proclocmation

    Emancipation Proclocmation
    In the states that seceded, Lincoln proposed to free all of the slaves. This happened after the battle of Antietam even though Linciln had no power to enforce this law.
  • Border States Did Not Secede

    Border States Did Not Secede
    The bordering states of the Confederacy, Deleware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri, decided not to secede from the Union.
  • 13th Amenedment

    13th Amenedment
    This amendement abolished slavery.
  • Black Codes

    Black Codes
    Freedom was restricted to the former slaves. This contradicted the 13th Amendment.
  • Freedmen's Bureau

    Freedmen's Bureau
    Organization that was propsed to help former slaves transition into the life of freedom.
  • Sharecropping

    Sharecropping was system that was abused and the slaves were taken advantage of. Sharecropping allows a tenant farmer to use land for a share of the crops in return.
  • Klu Klux Klan

    Klu Klux Klan
    This was group communist group founded to terrorize freed slaves.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    This amendment granted full citizenship to former slaves, immigrants, and naturalized Americans.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    This amendment stated that no one could be denied teh right to vote based on race, color, or having been a slave.
  • Booker T. Washington

    Booker T. Washington
    A black edecator that founded Tuskegee Institute. He wanted blacks to further their education to reach social and economic equality.
  • Ida B. Wells

    Ida B. Wells
    She was a socialist, suffragist, and civil rights activist that supported anti-lynching. She was a journalist of her time.
  • New South

    New South
    A speech given in the south about how it wanted to change it's ways and eliminate racism. This speech was given by Henry Grady.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    Court case ruled that equal segregated facilities were constitutional.
  • George Washington Carver

    George Washington Carver
    He was a black chemist who discovered many uses for peanuts. Like Booker T. Washington, he beleived that the social and economic status of blacks could be improved by education.
  • Jim Crow Laws

    Jim Crow Laws
    A set of laws created for blacks in the south which included prevention of voting and segregated facilities.
  • Williams v. Mississippi

    Williams v. Mississippi
    It ruled that literacy tests and poll taxes were legal. These requirements took away black's rights to vote.
  • Marcus Garvey

    Marcus Garvey
    Advocate for black nationalism and financial independence. He started the "Back to Africa" movement because he believed that blacks would not receive justice in mostly white nations.
  • Harlem Renaissance

    Harlem Renaissance
    Black writers, musicians, and intellectuals gathered around Harlem, New York.
  • Langston Hughes

    Langston Hughes
    African American humorous writer of poems, stories, and essays.
  • Martin Luther King Jr.

    Martin Luther King Jr.
    Most prominent civil rights activist in his time. He was known for his speeches and was assassinated in 1968.